FarmerJohnfourtwenty's Hang out

What about your first thread you started you talk about growing massive outdoor ball trees and then in a subcool thread you say that is the complete wrong way to do it. Everybody just read his posts and you will find contradictions everywhere. Sub never responded to any of your posts. Just accept reality you are a liar and that's all there is no proof of anything you do mister dwc overgrow guru. By the way you can find all of the old overgrow files somewhere on the net as somebody saved them. When I was doing my research I found it a few years ago.

If you were the guru there and could post pics on an archaic forum like overgrow you surely could post pics on this easy to use platform. It's pretty damn cut and dry. But wait you will have an excuse just like you do for everything else when u get called out. Honestly I could keep going and going but I'm just preaching to the choir on riu as most people on here have already called bullshit on your outrageous claims. Show us pics dwc founder and guru. Hahahaha
What about your first thread you started you talk about growing massive outdoor ball trees and then in a subcool thread you say that is the complete wrong way to do it. Everybody just read his posts and you will find contradictions everywhere. Sub never responded to any of your posts. Just accept reality you are a liar and that's all there is no proof of anything you do mister dwc overgrow guru. By the way you can find all of the old overgrow files somewhere on the net as somebody saved them. When I was doing my research I found it a few years ago.

If you were the guru there and could post pics on an archaic forum like overgrow you surely could post pics on this easy to use platform. It's pretty damn cut and dry. But wait you will have an excuse just like you do for everything else when u get called out. Honestly I could keep going and going but I'm just preaching to the choir on riu as most people on here have already called bullshit on your outrageous claims. Show us pics dwc founder and guru. Hahahaha
Thank you denma1lm. I am glad to see I am not the only one tired of this full of shit TROLL ass mofo. Peace
Well, I'm sorry that my past posts have apparently rubbed you two the wrong way. It was not my intention to appear boastful or to tell lies in any way. I guess I am who I am and if it offended you, I apologize. And I'd also like to apologize to Farmer John for bringing so much negative drama to his forum here on RIU. I posted here because I really enjoyed watching his videos and seeing him in videos at canna events. He seems really dedicated to his patients and to the canna movement in general and sort of reminds me of a young Kurt Cobain in a way.
That doesn't mean it is for top shelf nugs could be the schwag. There was ozs in michigan that were going for 160 an oz as well but I feel bad for the person who buys that sifted garbage.
Also William I sort of apologize for being so brash. I usually keep quite about shit and I just blew up. Merry Christmas and sorry for the bullshit
you guys can block his posts so you don't have to read anything he writes thats what sub and everyone else did
"That doesn't mean it is for top shelf nugs could be the schwag"

That's a reasonable assumption, however if you search pot centers in CO you will see what various strains sell for, many shops sell TGA strains. The truth is, CO is experiencing a glut of weed now. This may change when it goes legal for everyone due to tourism. People can now buy weed in the shops without getting a medical card.
Wow, I must have really come off sounding like a clod in my past posts Shawns. I'm not very good at blogging apparently. It's hard to tell tone of voice and inflections when just typing. For instance when I commented on the Cali big ball plants, it was not my attention to say you're an idiot whose doing it all wrong. I was just trying to suggest another possible way that may work better. I was trying help, not hurt. Denma, thanks, I wish I could answer your questions in more detail but I've been in trouble with the law and have to be careful about what I reveal.

I am here to help and share and that's the bottom line. We can disagree on ways and methods and that's OK in my book. Every growers conditions are different and what works for me may not work for you.
No hate here I was just letting people know they can block you if they don't wanna read what you have to say
Click on his name, click view profile under his pic you'll see a list click on add to ignore list
Let's talk about how to harness hybrid vigor and potency of your seed lines.

I just watched the best Weed Nerd show ever featuring a Breeders discussion at the Emerald Cup. It's Subcools latest Video and is a must watch for all breeders of cannabis.

I come from corn breeding, creating F-1 hybrids of seed corn. Let me show you have to create F-1 hybrids with your pot seeds.

Take your favorite 4 seed lines you're working with. Let's call them a, b, c, and d for now. Take any two say a and b and cross them. and keep a clone of one of them, either a or b. Cross a x b and get the seeds. Grow these seeds out and cross them back to your clone of a or b. Grow those seeds out and cross them back to your original clone. This is called cubing. You've made a cross, bred the prodigy back to the parent, grew those out and bred them back to the parent. When you do this you will notice the seed line begin to become uniform, however it may not become "better". Don't worry about that for now. The goodness is wound up inside the cube so to speak.

Now do the same thing with c and d. When you're done you'll have a cube of a x b and a cube of c x d. Now this is where the magic happens. You breed your two inbred cubes together for an F-1 hybrid. When you do this you'll get what's called hybrid vigor. Both of your cubes are wound up from inbreeding, when you cross the two together you'll get fairly uniform seed the first generation, the F-1 hybrid generation. The dominant genes of both cubes will come back in this cross and you'll get both potency and vigor at the same time and should be better than either a, b, c or d.
Starting from a clone is fine, all a clone is, is a previous cross. This also makes it easier. Cross to the clone, grow those out, choose a male if your clones female, cross the male progeny back to the clone. Grow those out and choose a male among those seeds and cross back to the clone. Now you have a cube of the clone in seed form. It's been inbred at least 3 times. The resulting seed will have 87.5% of the original clone genetics. It may or may not be "better" than the clone, but many may grow very similar to the clone.

The idea here, is to cross 2 inbred lines. Lines that have been bred to themselves at least 3 times and that are different from each other. Crossing cubed seeds will cause a blow out of vigor and potency locked up inside the cubes. Now the goal is to clone the best female of this F-1 cube cross and use that for yield and potency. Every clone of that clone will carry the hybrid vigor.

For instance I like Subs Apollo BX, however my F-1 clone yields at least 50 percent more under the same growing conditions, with bigger fatter nugs that are more tasty and potent then Apollo bx. Sub's RIGHT! There are often trade offs between yield, taste and potency, but there doesn't have to be.

  • So you are saying that by first Cubing your lines, then doing a cross of the Cubed lines you can maximize the benefits of the hybrid vigour in your F1?

Yes! Two inbred lines crossed will create an F-1 generation of seed. This seed will have hybrid vigor and tend to bring the dominant traits to the surface. For instance my Cindy 99.25 was Mr. Souls of Brother Grimm seeds most inbred version of Cindy. He had bred his progeny back to the Cindy clone 5 or 6 times. That seed was very Cindy 99, however the yield was terrible. The lowest yielding plant with the highest quality bud I've ever grown. It yielded about 1 oz in my custom DWC set up. My Williams Wonder line had fat leaves like an indica, grew short, but like Cindy, had a fruity and sativa like high. It was extremely inbred where every seed grew like clones. I crossed these seeds together to themselves for at least 5 years with every crop and the yield was about 4 oz. per plant. Both strains were very early with 7-8 week flowering times. Then I crossed these two inbred lines together and the vigor blow out was amazing. The F-1 hybrid clone yields 7-8 oz in the same set up with better taste and potency of either inbred line. That is a plant yielding 1 oz crossed to a plant yielding 4 oz created a plant yielding 7-8 oz. This happened because both seeds had been very inbred.
When and where the hell did you see top shelf any nugs going for 150 an oz. I would have to call B.S. on that willy. Just like the time you got busted on Sub's thread posting up some picture of the mega stem and calling it your buddies plant when in fact you stole a picture out of some grow book. WTF willy?????????????????

Willys right you can find top shelf herb for $150 an oz. It depends on if your a member with said dispensary and what particular shop your going to. For example the Herbal Cure in Denver does $150 oz every strain on the first Friday of every month, for members only, and they have good cannabis :)