Farewell, Scott...

How did you feel about him?

  • Loved Scott! And love you, too, Tyler

    Votes: 9 42.9%
  • He sucked almost as hard as you, Durden

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • What is this thread about?

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • Leave me alone, I'm shopping

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • Shit/Stomp/Pinworm

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • I like Turtles...

    Votes: 11 52.4%

  • Total voters
yep, it was..and I figured ;)

still so sad. Too many young people checking out this past few years, all from drug abuse. Brittany, Heath, Whitney, her daughter..now Scott.

Just sad as hell man, too young to die and plenty old enough to know better.
Weren't all of those prescription drug OD's? Deadliest drugs ever.
Maybe Scott chose to exit stage left...idk... his choice.
You do heroin for 20 years and not know your max dose?
I don't mean to be insensitive.
another one down...i was a teen in STP's hayday so their music had an effect on my life. heroin thrashs musicans. shit, it'll take out anyone. no one has just a mild heroin habit...it just dont exist.
He's right.
A fun psychedelic is LSD... Shrooms are sacred and should be revered.
However, I've seen people take them and go to "cartoon land". That never happened to me, though. It's always a deep spiritual journey, usually planted on a couch. In fact, it reminds me of death, literally, and that's not a bad thing, either. If you ever read the Don Juan trilogy that might make more sense. ;)
That's what I'm looking for right there. Major enlightenment ;) I'm old enough now to appreciate where I'm going and the best way to get there, and in all my research, shrooms seem to be the ticket

Weren't all of those prescription drug OD's? Deadliest drugs ever.
Maybe Scott chose to exit stage left...idk... his choice.
You do heroin for 20 years and not know your max dose?
I don't mean to be insensitive.

I don't think it was insensitive. You speak the truth, they do it to themselves.

Heroin is horrible, I've never done it myself and won't. I've met a couple of people that were addicts and I can tell you firsthand (from talking to them) that shit fucks with your head and bad. A couple of guys I know were on it (from here) are now gone and both have either been committed against their will indefinitely or spent a few weeks or more in the crazy house.

That's no where I wanna go O.o

another one down...i was a teen in STP's hayday so their music had an effect on my life. heroin thrashs musicans. shit, it'll take out anyone. no one has just a mild heroin habit...it just dont exist.

You're right about that, it's the most addictive drug out there.

Bad, bad bad shit. Just like any other drug, the more you do it, the more it takes.
That's what I'm looking for right there. Major enlightenment ;) I'm old enough now to appreciate where I'm going and the best way to get there, and in all my research, shrooms seem to be the ticket

If you take them seriously, they will take you seriously. Just remember the adage of Tim Leary, "Set and Setting". Give yourself 3 days; 1 to "set" your mind, 1 for the journey, 1 for post-contemplation.

Be prepared for the possibility of puking, though. It will happen if you take too much, and your body will feel better after the fact, allowing you to finish the journey in relative peace. It is not unusual, so just let it happen if it must.

Have some good herb ready for the come down phase, along with some bread and fruit ( I always found the simplest foods to be amazing post-trip). I would actually fast before tripping to intensify the experience, but that is not necessary for a first time.

Also, if you happen to meet the interdimensional guardians, tell them I said, "hi!" :mrgreen:
That's what I'm looking for right there. Major enlightenment ;) I'm old enough now to appreciate where I'm going and the best way to get there, and in all my research, shrooms seem to be the ticket

I don't think it was insensitive. You speak the truth, they do it to themselves.

Heroin is horrible, I've never done it myself and won't. I've met a couple of people that were addicts and I can tell you firsthand (from talking to them) that shit fucks with your head and bad. A couple of guys I know were on it (from here) are now gone and both have either been committed against their will indefinitely or spent a few weeks or more in the crazy house.

That's no where I wanna go o_O

You're right about that, it's the most addictive drug out there.

Bad, bad bad shit. Just like any other drug, the more you do it, the more it takes.
Addiction is a door that once opened cannot be closed. You can decide if you to walk through it though.

Most deaths usually occur due to purity issues or on yhe way to/ after said deal.

But the feels when youfirst nod out in a gas station bathroom and wake up to paramedics.
If you take them seriously, they will take you seriously. Just remember the adage of Tim Leary, "Set and Setting". Give yourself 3 days; 1 to "set" your mind, 1 for the journey, 1 for post-contemplation.

Be prepared for the possibility of puking, though. It will happen if you take too much, and your body will feel better after the fact, allowing you to finish the journey in relative peace. It is not unusual, so just let it happen if it must.

Have some good herb ready for the come down phase, along with some bread and fruit ( I always found the simplest foods to be amazing post-trip). I would actually fast before tripping to intensify the experience, but that is not necessary for a first time.

Also, if you happen to meet the interdimensional guardians, tell them I said, "hi!" :mrgreen:
I'm fasting the day before, so that should help the nausea, yes? I appreciate the advice and will most certainly will say hi for you should I encounter them!! :mrgreen:

Addiction is a door that once opened cannot be closed. You can decide if you to walk through it though.

Most deaths usually occur due to purity issues or on yhe way to/ after said deal.

But the feels when youfirst nod out in a gas station bathroom and wake up to paramedics.
Never, ever in my life have I had that problem. I don't do shit unless I check it out thoroughly and have insurances put in place. If I die, it will be because its my time and not because I'm whacked out on anything.

I have surgery coming up in Feb that worries me, its a pretty dangerous operation so I may put off doing the shrooms til after. Haven't made my mind up just yet, all depends. I've heard they are gone from your system pretty fast so it shouldn't interfere with the anesthesia. A lot to consider...I'm thinking on it.

Feeling poorly still, think this bug is getting worse before it gets better. Gonna lie down a while.

Peace yo!

I'm fasting the day before, so that should help the nausea, yes? I appreciate the advice and will most certainly will say hi for you should I encounter them!! :mrgreen:

Actually, that probably won't help the nausea. It's a reaction the body has to the "poison". One of my ex's would puke every time, but it was normal for her, even when made in a tea (so as to avoid the solids and shorten the time to effect) .
Weren't all of those prescription drug OD's? Deadliest drugs ever.
Maybe Scott chose to exit stage left...idk... his choice.
You do heroin for 20 years and not know your max dose?
I don't mean to be insensitive.
c'mon man, heroin isn't all created equal....
But all heroin user should have a "buddy" to watch them...
and naloxone
It's a shame he liked getting high more than he liked being a father and a husband...
His kids' mother's "eulogy" was very sad...
That's what I'm looking for right there. Major enlightenment ;) I'm old enough now to appreciate where I'm going and the best way to get there, and in all my research, shrooms seem to be the ticket
Shrooms are freaking amazing. I only like to get totally bombed out on them once or twice a year.
Go camping in mid fall. Nothing but a buddy or 3. A bonfire and a radio. That's a perfect time.
I did it once alone and pretty much crawled inside of myself for 2 and a half days with 14 grams & post prison Burzum. I didn't mess around with em for a good 3 years after that madness until around 6 weeks ago. Split 5 grams with a buddy and watched Dragon Ballz Abridged in it's entirety. We were laughing so hard and long we both started getting teary eyes and shit at times.
My legs hurt for 2 days after.
Tip of the day. Have a buddy with you. And entertainment on hand.