%((Fantastic Fluoro Frenzy))% 252wCFL Grow


New Member
Another grower had success with a product called Bushmaster used to stop vertical growth. Might be something to help people manage this kind of grow and keep height down.

You can see on page 3 he has some great bud shots of some plants he has dialed in at 18". Even MisturBomb would be appreciative of the nugs he's got going in there.
I just used bushmaster for the first time a couple weeks ago and my buds are gettin fat!


Well-Known Member
Ok guys and gals wanting to see my cloner, I have it all here in the DWC sub forums in a thread call Cloning 101 but since I'm a cool dude I'll just give ya the link to my original thread over at icmag enjoy! Also temps are a big deal I'm still dialing in my cloner, I've had cuts root in 6 days and cuts the just turn to mush and some that take 3 weeks! all the same strain too! So I've found that 70-78 degree's F is where you want the temps for best results..



Well-Known Member
hay diggity just got threw reading a good portion of this thread and i think your doing f---ing great. i kind of new so i hope this doesnt affend you but to me the yields are just ok i think if u went with some 4inch square pots some real nutes and a couple of transplants to keep hight low. i think this would still keep good hieght for you and better yields. in a couple of monts i just might be able to prove this my self soon with my little setup. plants by my name are my 7 days ago they"ve doubled in size since, tallest one is 5 and half inchs with lots of under growth already.just a thought your still the man.
Just ok huh??? Hmmm well you can try the square pots but I already did and got better results with my 20oz bottles. Also I would love to see you pull better than 7g a cut in 16 plants per square foot.. Not offended just kinda like wtf?? Just ok? Most HID growers think the yields are too much and it's just not possible to do with CFL's and especially at 16 plants per sq ft.. Not sure how much knowledge you have of growing but so far this method is the most efficient and gives the best yields with a small amount of space.. I'm not mad just think you should read a little more buddy! My boy with 2 1k HPS couldn't believe what I get until he saw it with his own eyes....

Anyway thaks for stopping by,but if you plan to run a SOG the containers need to be deeper than they are wide...


Well-Known Member
I just used bushmaster for the first time a couple weeks ago and my buds are gettin fat!
I use Gravity and it works really good! I wouldn't want to stop my girls from stretching though cuz that's the key part of this system is the "sweet spot" in each strain that makes it stretch into a single cola and finish right under the lights :bigjoint:

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
Ok guys and gals wanting to see my cloner, I have it all here in the DWC sub forums in a thread call Cloning 101 but since I'm a cool dude I'll just give ya the link to my original thread over at icmag enjoy! Also temps are a big deal I'm still dialing in my cloner, I've had cuts root in 6 days and cuts the just turn to mush and some that take 3 weeks! all the same strain too! So I've found that 70-78 degree's F is where you want the temps for best results..

Do you mean the ambient temperature or the water temperature in the cloner?


Well-Known Member
I use a similar bubble cloner and will atest that temp plays the biggest part in speed of roots.

I built my cloner for less than 10$, similar to Bombs here, and it didn't do to great right out the gate. But as soon as I took steps to keep the ambient temp in the bigger rubbermaid that mine sits in a around 80' I had a boost in root speeds.


Well-Known Member
yes, either of those will definately help. You can even set your cloner on top of your fridgorator too, I've heard some people do it. Mine is small and sits in a larger 18 gallon rubbermaid and is wrapped by towels. I then have my dome on and my light is about 2" above the dome. 2 26w 65k cfls. I prop the lid over the lights and wrap a towel all around that. My lights keep the ambient temp in the 18g at around 78-80, my res temps are probably just a tad lower.


Well-Known Member
I noticed warmer temps cause mushy stems tho too so it's weird but it's the best way to clone IMO when dialed in. The clones just take off damn near 2x as fast as those in rw cubes or peat pucks


Well-Known Member
To whoever gave me rep asking how often I get bud...
When all is running right I will harvest each week, but right now I'm getting bud every 2-3 weeks


Well-Known Member
I used to hang all my buds from my lamp shade next to my bed lol and that would take 4 days before they were ready for the jar. After that 4 days of hanging they are smokable and just smoke it while it cures, first bowl is always a little harsh but the second one after the nugs have been in the jar for about 30min they are much smoother. I've only been able to get to 4 days of curing before I run out haha but by then it's soooooo tasty. I'm hoping by summer to have my cab's full on the every week harvest and be able to keep certain jars curing for months and months if I want and just smoke the others and thats the plan!!

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
yea im setting a cab up right now and im using i cant believe its not butter things as containers because i have like 18 in high too grow. im hoping to get something going like your grow but shorter any tips to keep the hieght down other than lst and bulb proximity?


Well-Known Member
Or just go with SR71 Purple Kush and you'd be fine cuz I can't seem to get that shit no taller than 10" in flower!! But I've only vegged it to 6.5" I'm guessing the sweet spot for that strain is 8" - 8.5" which I am trying out next it's just so slow in veg it's not practical for my setup unless I want short plants...

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
yea im running a hindu x invader strain from a local breeder and friend. im probly going to do a lot of experimenting until i get my grow running as smothely as yours

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
hay sorry guy didnt mean to ruffle your feathers just thought u could do better iam unexsperienced only on my second grow but i think learning fast.so u say u get 16 plants per square and you have no canopy issues thats cool. so what i cocky it think i can beat and im going to try. so all i have to do is beat your grams total for the square footage. ok its a deal going to make me a micro grow and see what i can do, right now got 24 plants in a flowering room start sexing next week. the tallest one is 10 inchs hoping after sexing enought females for aleast a pound. goin to order some real genetics for the micro dont think ill have a chance without the right genetics. so dont be mad wish me luck.

stoned and trying

Active Member

i repped you lol and asked how often you harvest.. thanks really apprciate all your info using it well just built a mother cab and am re-doing my flower chamber . ill be using 8 42w 2700k for the flowering and 3 45 w 6500k for mothers and clones.. im going to start a grow journal so u guys can see.. as of now im going to do 18 gods treat and 18 mystiva to make a total of 36 4 in and out a week once its rolling hopefully get an oz a week.. ill be happy with anything :D