Fans on seedlings


Well-Known Member
i read in a post here that constant fan air- flow will slow growth ? im a newbie at growing but i research a lot and read a shot ton im no expert but i thought constant fan air-flow helps stem thickness and makes them strong the stem that is, any help would be great cause i'm on my first grow and i'm into the 1st week of vegataion and have 2 mini fans on my babys ><


Well-Known Member
a light fan ... it's suppose to make them stronger and probably therefore taking away from rapid growth


Well-Known Member
You are on track. Just make sure its gentle and not blowing them over. You are also making sure there is fresh co2 blowing around them.


Well-Known Member
A light breeze is what your looking for as all your fellow growers advised you on. The light breeze acts as a bruising if you will to the plants stem making it regain it's health by growing an immune to the breeze by promoting a thicker growth in stems as the plant already knows she will have to be stron enough to hold her on fruit under her own strength later on if life. But a constant direct blowing of a fan causes too much wear & tear in the tissues of the plant & it cannot heal fast enough instead just causes damage to the plant. Keep it light enough to cause a sway & keep her cool man & you'll be good. Were all here for support.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
A light breeze is what your looking for as all your fellow growers advised you on. The light breeze acts as a bruising if you will to the plants stem making it regain it's health by growing an immune to the breeze by promoting a thicker growth in stems as the plant already knows she will have to be stron enough to hold her on fruit under her own strength later on if life. But a constant direct blowing of a fan causes too much wear & tear in the tissues of the plant & it cannot heal fast enough instead just causes damage to the plant. Keep it light enough to cause a sway & keep her cool man & you'll be good. Were all here for support.
finally, someone who knows what he's/she's talking about when it comes to airflow!!! kudos to you!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey people come here for knowledge & that's what we're here for. Several people answered my questions through good knowledgable answers so why shouldn't I do the same.