fans directly on plants....what are the consequences?


Well-Known Member
Hi i read aftger my grow that fans should never be put directly facing plants. why is this recommended and what are the problems it causes? thanks


Well-Known Member
I keep two fans blowing directly on the ladies for the whole grow . I keep getting strong stems and fat buds. Nature blows on plants outside , so why wouldn't you do it also for inside plants. No problems.


Well-Known Member
I use an oscillating fan on medium, only because I have read that directly blowing fans constantly on the plants make them exert more energy into making fatter stems and takes away from energy used to produce bigger colas. No real evidence but it seemed logical when i read it. We all want some fuckin proof though dammit, someone needs to get a side by side set up so we can end this controversy. peace


Well-Known Member
I would rather turn on full blast and point it away from them, if you're in a grow room the air should whip around in a circle.. still causing a strong enough breeze to have them swaying happily in the wind.

Providing you have a fan that is larger than 15".

Too much harsh direct air could cause a mess when dealing with minor nanners.. It can dislodge them & spread unwanted pollen. :[ guess how I know.

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
your plants might get really thirsty if you do that, but otherwise, it keeps them cooler, lets them breathe better, and the damage that bending does to the stems forces new growth to strengthen the damage which in turn increases circulation and nutrient uptake. nature knows WTF it's doing. good air circulation is good bud rot prevention too. sweet haze, i think, was a particularly juicy plant, i could see a potential bud rot issue with stagnant air with that awesome strain.

oscillating fans are best and maybe because of the evaporation issues but also because they create turbulence that moves more air in the entire room. that should be all the CO2 generation a plant needs.

you should also have a fan pulling hot air out of your lights and the room creating a vacuum that pulls cooler air in as hopefully someone's already said.

i use indirect ventilation over the tops of my plants and stress the stems by hand with twisting by fingers. it's fun meditation and the longer i'm in the room, the more CO2 rich it is. there's a weird thought... i've smoked myself.

E Doh907

I would rather turn on full blast and point it away from them, if you're in a grow room the air should whip around in a circle.. still causing a strong enough breeze to have them swaying happily in the wind.

Providing you have a fan that is larger than 15".

Too much harsh direct air could cause a mess when dealing with minor nanners.. It can dislodge them & spread unwanted pollen. :[ guess how I know.
wouldnt u scrap the herm plants and look for non herm?


Well-Known Member
Took it as loss & hashed. Legal limit so 1x loss is huge, 2-6 losses is devastating.

I know where I made mistakes and have corrected. 1st, correction I made was ditching FemBeans.

E Doh907

i want to get some wall mounted oscillating fans. I have 3 20 inch box fans and brought that down to 1. i had them on l0w directly on plants and seemed fine, when i turned them up they got wind burn. I brought in a stand to lift it above plant height, and this way it blows right on my moving air cooled lights helping cool them further, and now no wind burn,

I want the wall mounted ones because i think i'd be able to direct them to the top of the plants at a higher speed, and since they move i shouldnt' have a problem with the wind burn...

E Doh907

o ive also noticed that when i have more fans in room and at a higher speed they actually raise the temp of the room just a lil bit, so if u have heat issues this could be part of reason,


Active Member
Use a fan speed controller to slow 'em down. Even on low without one, my plants we're starting to lean over. Dialed the fan down with the speed controller, and, voila!!!!