fan stopped, think i cooked my girls


New cabinet, the fan did not come on and the 400w lamp cooked my 3 girls,
the leaves are curled but still moist
do you think that there is any coming back from this
or am i forked?



Well-Known Member
What is the temp of your grow room, and are you adding any nutes to your plants? If so what nutes are you adding?


Active Member
spray the leaf with water and try to bring up hum and believe it or not mj is pretty good at comin back from burn my male got burnt bad and it recovered and came bad strong as hell.


temps were in the 75-80 range, everything was good till the fan stopped, and it was hot as hell
was only hot (90's ish) for about 4 hours but everything started shriveling up
no nute issue, they get a little bit of shult's bloom fertilizer once a week, and twice a week watering
soil is still moist an inch down or so


thanks for the advice, this is first grow indoors
have done a guerrilla grow a time or 3 in the past
lost of farms around me to play in, but wanted to try indoors during the winter

spray the leaf with water and try to bring up hum and believe it or not mj is pretty good at comin back from burn my male got burnt bad and it recovered and came bad strong as hell


Well-Known Member
they dont look too bad, well, they do actually, but the key word is look. its gonna stunt growth for awhile and be pretty hard on em but they will definetley live and in 4-6wks should be all recovered and ready to take off again w/a good growth rate like it had before. it really sucks bro, i almost had the same thing happen a week ago, thank god i decided to peek in one last time before i went to bed. otherwise they all would of fried like yours


Well-Known Member
Water them heavily, then wait and they'll repair whatever leaves are repairable. Also, as mentioned above, it would be a good idea to give them a good misting, soaking the entire plant. Just make sure you have the lights backed off and the fan blowing, then bring the lights back down after they've dried, or the waterspots will cause burns on your leaves, through water magnification. They'll survive, but you won't know how bad their damaged til you give them some time to rehydrate whatever leaves are salvageable. If there's enough time left, some new growth will help them fill out their buddage, so i hope it isn't too late. :)


just misted them
left the 35 and 40w cfls down where they were at 6 inches off the sides of plants
raised the HPS up the 3 feet above plants
new cabinet is 4'w X 2'd
old cabinet was 2x2
both are 6' tall
this gives alot more room for airflow, have a high speed air intake, and exhaust fan running separate from the timer for now, and an occilating fan inside to circulate the air
going to go for a drive, might put led grow lights in top of cabinet for a clone locker, seemed to work good for the first few weeks of growth
thanks again for the advice and quick replys, I learn something every day,
today i learned to test everything Before i go to sleep
I appreciate the help and will try to post some pix in a few days to see/ and show how my girls are doing


first time i burnt a 3 week old plant it was completely shriveled, i fixed the lighting and in 9 hours the plant looked like new--it was amazing--than i did it again a week later and it was gone! take it way easier than normal on light distance but still use light to try 2 save it + whatever these guys said--i didnt read anything yet


Well-Known Member
what really sucks is when the fans youve had forever just suddenly burn outy, Ive had it happen 2 times and man do i hate that smell and the "oh fuck!!!" moment when it all clicks and you frantically open the door and hope your in time.


[one of the 3 is gone, she did not make it
the other 2 I trimmed off the dead leaf material and they are slowly coming back i think
we are having a bad cold snap coming in this week
and it is all i can do to try and keep the temps stable, I hope they will last


Active Member
Dammnit! the same thing happened to me yesterday, cut off the dead leaves tho...should have read here first :wall:
Did spray the leaves and watered w/ reg. h20. Looks like she might pull through. tx for the post k3lly1:leaf: