fan leaves??????


i have a quick question it is prolly a stupid 1 but i have to ask lol sorry im still a noob..
my plants seem to be doing very well for my first grow. however the fan leaves seem to be smothering / covering all the grow areas.
should i just leave them alone or is it ok to get rid of fan leaves?
as always thanks in advance for any input


How old is the plant? I mean... No. Just no. All your plants energy comes from light gathered by your leaves. Less leaves = less growth = less bud. The only exception I can think of is if you were already into flower, some people like to trim the leaves at the bottom of the plant, but it doesn't sound like thats what your asking.


no im only at about week 3 of veg lol i have 4 plants under 600 mh just seemed to me that the fan leaves were over welming the plant but like i said im a noob lol. i will b right back with LxH just to give you an idea


Well-Known Member
i have a quick question it is prolly a stupid 1 but i have to ask lol sorry im still a noob..
my plants seem to be doing very well for my first grow. however the fan leaves seem to be smothering / covering all the grow areas.
should i just leave them alone or is it ok to get rid of fan leaves?
as always thanks in advance for any input
Just like what Ohmy said! Don't remove any of them unless they dry up or fall off or 50% damaged leaves. Healthy leaves are essential to your plant's health. You can tuck them in but don't remove.


Well-Known Member
no im only at about week 3 of veg lol i have 4 plants under 600 mh just seemed to me that the fan leaves were over welming the plant but like i said im a noob lol. i will b right back with LxH just to give you an idea
you will be fine lol. I have really big fan leaves on my plants that cover everything and now see branches pushing them as they come through


Well-Known Member
takes some pics, if your canopy is covered in leaves then i would remove some but since its so early its not such a worry, when the buds come then reconsider , do not believe the horror stories you hear about removing leaves, canopy management is very useful in producing more colas :)


ok like i said i have 4 plants that i started at the same time. unfortunitly they are just bag seed just to try to get a feel for this..
plant 1 is 22h x12w plant 2 is 20h x 12w and the other 2 are about 14h x 12w hight being from top of soil to top of plant width being from tip of leave to tip of leave on both sides..
what would cause them to be so diffrent in size?
they are all receiving the same wate lights nuts everything is the same and i also rotate them every time i feed them lol.

ohh and i looked at my calander im actualy at 4 weeks of veg as of 2morrow morning. thanks again everybody.
so my answer is to just leave the fan leaves right?
altho they take up alot of light they actually do have a job right?


Well-Known Member
they are different phenotypes most likely some will be tall some will be shorter, also some will be more vigorous than others, yes leave the leaves alone for now lol


takes some pics, if your canopy is covered in leaves then i would remove some but since its so early its not such a worry, when the buds come then reconsider , do not believe the horror stories you hear about removing leaves, canopy management is very useful in producing more colas :)
man thanks for the advice at this time my computer is being a peice of shit and wont let me upload any pics i will keep trying tho. thanks again


you will be fine lol. I have really big fan leaves on my plants that cover everything and now see branches pushing them as they come through
yea thats what is happening to me the lower areas seem like they are going to war with the fan leaves trying to fight to get light lol


Well-Known Member
you will get a feel for it with experience dude, weed plants are not as fragile as some my lead you to believe you can shape the plants the way you wish, remove all the weak growth etc
personally i avoid removing smaller leaves / leaves with short steams or no steams
the rest of them are fair game along with any other growth that will not reach its full potential, i prefer to concentrate growth on colas, where the max amount of light is


Well-Known Member
it would help if i could see the plants, but anyway, yes you can get alot of diverse phenotypes from 1 pack of seeds .. it could just aswell be that some are just more vigorous , without seeing them i cant see the development or weather they are stretched, inter-node spacing etc
How old is the plant? I mean... No. Just no. All your plants energy comes from light gathered by your leaves. Less leaves = less growth = less bud. The only exception I can think of is if you were already into flower, some people like to trim the leaves at the bottom of the plant, but it doesn't sound like thats what your asking.
That's sound advice. Props to JavaMon.


Well-Known Member
^Look into LST'ing them a bit, meaning.....take some string or something, and 'open up' the foliage some, by pulling crowded branches outwards, then securing them to the side of their pots(for example).