Fan Leaves


Well-Known Member
my roomate cut off like 6 fan leaves. we are in 2nd week of flowering. He thought that they were pointless but after he did it i did research and found out that a lot of the plants food is stored in these leaves. What can I expect to happen to my plant?


Well-Known Member
In flower you'll see leaves yellow..thats the plant pulling nutes from them...sooo.. maybe leaves are think.. Luck..


Well-Known Member
well u cause your plant to stress its self and it slows its growth your plant might not change for 2 weeks dont take and leaves off man PERIOD


Well-Known Member
If the plant didn't need them, it wouldn't have grown them. When it is done with them it will discard them. Tell your roomate to put the scissors down, and back away from the plant.


Well-Known Member
trimming those fan leaves isnt that bad, especially if you have otehr fan leaves on ur plant or on ur buds.... if the big ones are gone ur plant will start to extract nitrogen from the other leaves and in the long run u want all the ntriogen to be extracted before you harvest so it doesnt taste like shat