Fan leaves wilting and brown and white marks??



i have three SAGE growing in DWC, these plants were germinated in SOIL and and transferred to DWC and then vegged further for a week to establish a root system, now are in flower since 4 days.

one of the plants (the largest one) fan leaves are wilted and curling downwards, they also have brown and white marks on the fan leaves.

the other two seem ok but they also have a few spots on the fan leaves however they are not curling.

please can anyone help to find what the problem is.

Strain is S.A.G.E
600w HPS
water temp around 22 - 24 degrees C
PPM around 700
Nutes - FLORA bloom and micro



If it was heat burn the leaves would curl upwards not down. How high is your water in the bucket? Looks like they are getting too much water to me personally. Thats heat burn in the pic.
water is about half an inch above the net pots, maybe that is the problem

You know

How is your airstones in there looking? if you can take a pic of the lid up a bit so we can see roots/pot/water lever/bubbles. im sure some more experienced DWC guys here can help you out! Lower the water a couple inches and see how they react!


How is your airstones in there looking? if you can take a pic of the lid up a bit so we can see roots/pot/water lever/bubbles. im sure some more experienced DWC guys here can help you out! Lower the water a couple inches and see how they react!

i am using 60L per Min air pump, each bucket is getting atleast 15L per min, roots look white with a slight tint of brown, will post pics tomorrow.

i have lowered the water level to about half inch below the net pots, does that sound ok?

thank you for the help so far

You know


Hey man take a quick look at this thread, it has numerated advice points with the first one being where you should keep your water level. There is some dispute about where it should be and it also depends on the strain and how much water they drink, how old they are and such. But that should give a bit of insight.

Is the water below half an inch with the air stones on or off? Answering these questions will help more experienced DWC growers give you a more informed answer. As I am also new to DWC I can only go by the things ive read so far. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
clawing is the traditional sign of over feeding. cut the nutes to 450-500ppm and try to get the temps a little cooler.


New Member
clawing is the traditional sign of over feeding. cut the nutes to 450-500ppm and try to get the temps a little cooler.
Agree and could me Cal/Mg issues as well..

Looks like your locking stuff out with too much nutes. I am doing a GH test and I have plants twice that size at 500ppm that have no issues and I think that is at top range of ppm as well.


Well-Known Member
I have seen this a few times in my past grows. Could be either Salt build up or mag deficiency. Solution for both is to flush and treat with some CAL/MAG.