Fan leaves turning yellow/starting to curl.Nervous father needs help.



I'm growing Nirvana's Master Kush, Blackjack and Raspberry Cough. I vegged for 7 weeks and am now 3 1/2 weeks into flower. Over the past 4-5 days the fan leaves on 2 of the 3 plants started to turn yellow and curl slightly. The buds and the rest of the plant look healthy. The few leaves near the bottom of the plant also look shitty. Please take a look. Let me know how to nurse my babies back to health please.073.jpg074.jpg


One more thing. I'm growing in soil(Ocean Floor and Sunshine mix) and have been watering daily using Tiger Bloom every other day since the start of flowering. Giving about 1 quart of ph balanced water per plant per day.


Well-Known Member
Looks like cal/mag and pH to me but with watering ferts every other day it could be lockout causing pH or cal/mag. I have seen this before on ,y plants recently. Intresting to see how it turns out although i have no idea what this is, lets hope people have some good suggestions. Peace


Looks like cal/mag and pH to me but with watering ferts every other day it could be lockout causing pH or cal/mag. I have seen this before on ,y plants recently. Intresting to see how it turns out although i have no idea what this is, lets hope people have some good suggestions. Peace
I've done so much reading on that my head is spinning(or is it the buzz?). I was leaning towards a Nitrogen deficiancy. Should i flush? Should i up the amount of nutes? Should i go to straight water? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Whats the water like, soft water needs cal/mag and hard water dont. I would be guessing if i said i knew how to fix this but i would make sure cal/mag and pH are good first as well as watering schedule.

I been using evian to water with recently and solved all my cal/mag problems, simple and an easy thing to try when stumped on problems. I just wana see how this one turns out as i have seen these problems before.

Dont get too involved in plant problems or your head will spin. Focus on the easy fixes first, cal/mag, nutes, pH and watering. Make sure your not overwatering first then try some evian for next feeds and water. After that try some fine grade dolomite lime in the soil for pH and hopefully problems will be solved.

Its not always easy but try and keep it easy. Good luck.


You water every day?
Is it in a really small pot?
Studies had showed this
condition is common in 50% at
this time of their life daddy:lol:


Well-Known Member
You water every day?
Is it in a really small pot?
Studies had showed this
condition is common in 50% at
this time of their life daddy:lol:
Watering every day is hard to achieve, every few days is easier and better if your medium will handle that. Another thing to work at but i doubt this is the main problem.


You water every day?
Is it in a really small pot?
Studies had showed this
condition is common in 50% at
this time of their life daddy:lol:

I water daily....about a quart per plant.
I use Tiger Bloom every other day.
4 gallon pots.

I'm very concerned with the changes that are taking place. I've used the same routine for the last 3 months...adding in the flowering nutes 3 weeks ago. This is what leads me to believe that I have some sort of deficiency...but what? Cal/Mag/N?

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
If I had a nickel for every time I read these or reply...There are TONS of threads on this if you research that phrase, BTW.
Those leaves are burnt, they are beyond yellowing. Did you flush before starting to Flower? Did you use Epsom Salt when flushing? Did you grow them too big in little pots and now they are root bound? 4 gallon pots the plant should not be taller then3 foot. If so, I bet you got root bound plants. Along with Heavy Metal Deficiency. Crank the Metallica and flush with Epsom salt 3 time the amount of pot size that is 16 gallons to you use the first 10 with regular Ph balanced water 5.5 (Keep your Ph under 6.25 MAX) and then 2tbs per gallon Stat on the last 6. Call me in two days...
Dr Out. Just kidding don't call me. You can measure your Ph with catching the run off after watering adn using a calibrated meter. Not that Hokey Green thing at the hardware store.


Well-Known Member
I'm so against epsom salts unless you have 3 times the calcium already in the water. Epsom salts got chucked out and debatable wether it works well for many growers. Cal/mag not epsom in my opinion works way better.


Well-Known Member
They look fine , just ditching old leaves in flowering. You mave have had a very minor def, but stick to what you been doing dad.:weed:


They look fine , just ditching old leaves in flowering. You mave have had a very minor def, but stick to what you been doing dad.:weed:

Thank you for the vote of confidence. However, I'm still a bit concerned. On 2 of the 3 plants the fan leaves are yellow and curling almost all the way to the top of the plant. I've been feeding all 3 plants the same mixture daily. The Raspberry Cough looks excellent. The Master Kush and Blackjack are still budding but don't look nearly as healthy as the cough... I have a minimum of 4 weeks of flowering left...what's my best bet?


Could this be from over watering? I took a 3 day weekend so i gave the girls a little extra drink before i left. I also gave them a little extra when i got home. I just want to give all the facts.


Well-Known Member
No, Its not from over watering. Keep doing what your doing.
Not to worry, its natural for plants to use up the stored nutrients in the lower leaf when in flower. Once the leaf looks more then half dead cut it off.


Well-Known Member
Who knows but it looks similar, i use Evian but i guess a cal/mag supplement would be better in your case. Make sure it is cal/mag, check fert and water details to be sure. You need 3:1 cal/mag probably 80ppm cal and 26ppm mag but thats going a bit too in depth.

Even if its not cal/mag its a good easy one to rule out. Peace