Fan leaves turning yellow and dying


This is my first post here. I have a healthy female that is flowering and in the past 2 weeks, the fan leaves have started to turn yellow.

In the past, I have over fertalized this plant in the veg state and the excess Nitrogen almost killed it. I patiently nursed her back to health by leaving her alone, so I am a little shy about giving her any more nitrogen.
The burn in the past, was, I think typical: Yellowing, crispy edges, but this time, there is no edge crisping, just the leaves turning pale yellow and shriveling up. I know it can't be Nitrogen burn because I'm feeding her a bloom fert.

Any ideas?



Well-Known Member
I am new to this but I am only 7-10 days out from a harvest so I have learned a little along the way

I do believe that the yellowing of the leaves is from lack of nitrogen. That would make sense since you have stated that you are only using bloom nutes right? I am not so sure if this is normal though someone with experience will show up soon good luck. I can tell you to state as much info as possible that'll help alot like water is it tap or what, ph? soil/hydro? , type of light, temp, ect...


Well-Known Member
its natural.. during flowering the fan leaves will turn yellow and fall off.. by the end of the grow you can have a plant thats just buds with no fan leaves at all.. dont worry about it.. and the plants use little if any nitrogen during flowering so dont worry about the nitrogen levels


Well-Known Member
Normal... as you flower the plant pulls the N/nutes from the leaves causing them to yellow... just lightly pull off if loose... enjoy your crop..
Pick those leaves of asap! Any leaves more than 50% damaged/burned should be cut off so that they don't use any nutrients other healthy leaves could be using.