Fan leaves dying off?!?! HELP


Active Member
I'm in the 6th week of flowering and my fan leaves are dying and falling off. All the other leaves are fine it's just the fan leaves. Is this normal?

Mr Bomb

Active Member
No, it's not normal. You're depriving the plant of sufficient N.
I have got to agree here. You are probably focusing all your attention on P and are forgetting to give the plant the rest of what it needs to keep those leaves alive and healthy.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I've heard alot of people say the fan leaves yellow in the last weeks of 12/12, now i'm just confused.
Look at my avatar and other photos of plants on their way to the chopping block. If I lose quite a few fan leaves close to harvest, I'm crushed and only have myself to blame. Expect to lose some, but not alot. Also if you'll notice the profile of his plants, they are stunted which further suggests insufficient N.....perhaps combined with other factors.

It is a fact that folks are more comfortable with forum paradigms and "they say" drills rather than giving their plants what they need. It's the human element to belong.....a very strong motivator.