fan leaves drooping, and slight discoloration

Strain: nirvana Northern lights
Lighting: CFLS
Medium: Coco and perlite
Nutrients: fox farms trio

I am 26 days into flower
There are Two things that i know have changed within the last 3 days.
1) I have been watering a little more often (not completely waiting until the top of the coco gets dry)
2) I changed my fan which seemed to have raised humidity levels about 10%

I noticed the fan leaves drooping and there is slight discoloration to the leaves (bright green splotches) see attached pictures
I did not notice this yesterday and i watered this morning. Is it possible that this is from overwatering?

Just want to catch the problem soon if there is one.



Well-Known Member
I'd say cut it back from water...coco holds a lot of water I use vermiculite and perlite in my Hempy buckets and water every two days..
I may have royally screwed up... just repotted her and found a nasty ball of roots. They were all knotted up in about a oblong softball size/shape.
I rinsed the roots and gently un tangled them the best I could, then sat it in a bigger container. We will see what happens. I feel like a jackass now but who knows what the outcome will be.
Started in a a cheap propogator thing (I think that's what its called)
Then dixie cup size
Then a quart
To a 3 gallon
now today put it in a cut off 5 gallon bucket


Well-Known Member
I've seen this before, particularly after humidity change. The way the leaves are hanging (to me) indicate a possible under-water, or high leaf sweat.

Don't change too much else or you'll only make matters worse. Were your roots bright-white coloured? If so, that's fine and the look of the rootball is irrelevant.

You should always only do one (or at most two) changes at any one time so you can figure out what caused/fixed the issue. By changing the aqua schedule, the fan speed (humidity) AND transplanting, it'll be hard to sort out, especially if they get better :)



Well-Known Member
It looks all good. I can't tell how much height you have there, so you might want to research "LST", but overall, it looks like a good CFL grow, especially just coming out of stretch.



Well-Known Member
I've had this problem before... its from it getting too rootbound.
what really happens I believe is the roots get to a point where they suck up water faster than you can give it
when it dries out too much , some of the roots die.
now we re-water it. Running bottled nutes you most likely dont have microbes ready to fix any rot so what you get is a root rot starting, wherever the dryest spot of the plant was
you can usually tell there is root rot by some of the foliage turning a deathly yeloow-green and having almost a shriveled appearance

also if you are letting the soil dry too much you may notice a claw from the nutrient PPM's going so high on those bare roots; avoid this by doing 10% runoff every watering and checking the PPM's matching them up with the ppm's of the water going in it (close to)

it took me a while to understand what really happened but it is possible to keep a rootbound plant healthy as long as you keep up on it; if planning to go into something smaller than you can keep up with it i would advise a Dripper system ! As far as hempy goes a grower Jela 10 uses two 2 gallon buckets with amazing results under a single 600w Light, maybe you could go check it out. He uses coco from coco connesieur with the lineup of nutes
Getting worse as of day 2. added pictures but cant update original post. NOTICE DIFFERENCE IN COLOR OF FAN LEAVES COMPARED TO LEAVE AT THE BUD PICTURES 7 AND 9 SHOW THIS BEST. After these pictures were taken I watered her to see if it will help.




Well-Known Member
Oh boy... that needs expert advice....first off from what I know coco is horrible with cal and u have any additives for that? And wut do u keep ur pH at?? And have u calibrated ur meter recently??...that's all I can ask I hope some old timers chime in and help u out


Well-Known Member
Pictures 10 and 11 are showing a Mg def. I don't see a Ca issue. Maybe in 11. I think playing with the rootball has shocked the plant pretty bad since she was well into bloom when you did it. I would not water her at all. I would let her dry out. She won't be taking much water for a few days is my bet from the shock. What is your ph? How often do you feed? How much do you feed? What type of water do you use? Do you know the ppms of your water?
Pictures 10 and 11 are showing a Mg def. I don't see a Ca issue. Maybe in 11. I think playing with the rootball has shocked the plant pretty bad since she was well into bloom when you did it. I would not water her at all. I would let her dry out. She won't be taking much water for a few days is my bet from the shock. What is your ph? How often do you feed? How much do you feed? What type of water do you use? Do you know the ppms of your water?
OK let me try and answer these questions the best i can...
I use tap water that i let sit out for about a week (with)
general hydro calimagic at 1 tsp per gallon
Nutes are fox farms trio at the recommended amounts for the week that i am in.
I Dont have a ppm tester
but i water at a ph of 6.4 and it runs out at about 5.8

I can't believe no one is helping u out!!! How she look today?
man she is dropping leaves like crazy
It sad :sad: