Fan Leafs. Blockers of Light Or Energy Producers???

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It's not reaching certain places because it's an indoor grow in a small space with 4 large plants, and I want to maximize my yields. If I had less or smaller plants I wouldn't have leaves covering each other. I'm sorry that you don't understand what I'm trying to describe. Again, you haven't even gotten through your first harvest and you already think you know it all. I'm simply gonna call you Little Ben.
and ill call you by your name Mr. Diaz.. i don't play those silly games.. neither should ya sire.. I'm not talking for myself(actually i'm)... since you insist that i only have one grow... the evidence back up by science that i believe in have many... many.. more people with much more grows and experience and whatever you want to add to make sentences beautiful... you are pretty absolute aren't you? trashing UB as this and that when you are just another snowflake waiting to decay.. but you know what.. ill do us a favour and reply to you again after my next grow sire.
I discussed the issue of the dynamics of popcorn buds (which is what this thread is all about) in a previous post but folks glossed over it. Why? Because my explanation goes against the paradigms of forum protocol, and that makes people uncomfortable. Familiarity breeds comfort. Enough Sociology 101......

Change gears - Botany 405

I'll try again. Grow outdoors like I have many times, you will experience popcorn buds on the lower part of the plant, it's just what cannabis does and has NOTHING to do with light penetration to plant lower levels. That is another forum myth that just won't die, and with every new crop of get the rest. Popcorn buds are a RESULT of chronological plant development, (the top plant develops first and biggest, the bottom develops little or not at all), hormonal processes and most of all the affect of apical dominance. In plain Ingles, the top part of the plant gets all the goodies. Why do you think that when you deprive your plant of N that it sacrifices the N found in lower leaves and transports it to the upper leaves? The Herd of Calves hits their plants with bloom foods, the lower leaves yellow and fall off, and they sit there not able to figure out why.

Uncle Ben
so its pretty much hormonal response and re distribution of growth on lower buds due to the mass murder of leaves? see.. the thing is that i'm being fallacious by even believe this people claiming they are growing their weed to an optimal level and then claiming that because they defoliated and yield increased... then defoliation works... hell you know what.. and the only reason i even commented is to prevent new comes reading this to go after defoliation before even trying to master the art of growing a healthy plant..
and ill call you by your name Mr. Diaz.. i don't play those silly games.. neither should ya sure.. I'm not talking for myself... since you insist that i only have one grow... the evidence back up by science that i believe in have many... many.. more people with much more grows and experience and whatever you want to add to make sentences beautiful... you are pretty absolute aren't you? trashing UB as this and that when you are just another snowflake waiting to decay.. but you know what.. ill do us a favour and even reply to you again after my next grow sire.

No, I'm not absolute, and that's the point. It's folks like yourself and Uncle Ben who insist on following a specific path unwaveringly, while insulting anyone who simply disagrees or wants to try their own experiments. It's quite childish and ignorant in my opinion. Not to mention that I'm sure that I have more college level coursework in the areas of horticulture, botany, soil science, and pest management than you will ever have.
No, I'm not absolute, and that's the point. It's folks like yourself and Uncle Ben who insist on following a specific path unwaveringly, while insulting anyone who simply disagrees or wants to try their own experiments. It's quite childish and ignorant in my opinion. Not to mention that I'm sure that I have more college level coursework in the areas of horticulture, botany, soil science, and pest management than you will ever have.
i never insulted you, i just don't agree with your personal beliefs... again.. don't take my word for what i'm saying but from people who have more education and dedication... and less ego than yourself. yes.. people who actually conduct experiments and elevate the rest of the populace with scientific data....
so its pretty much hormonal response and re distribution of growth on lower buds due to the mass murder of leaves? see.. the thing is that i'm being fallacious by even believe this people claiming they are growing their weed to an optimal level and then claiming that because they defoliated and yield increased... then defoliation works... hell you know what.. and the only reason i even commented is to prevent new comes reading this to go after defoliation before even trying to master the art of growing a healthy plant..

Personally I've never ever insisted that yields will increase. I've only insisted that they will not necessary decrease either. There are in fact other advantages of leaf removal aside from the whole photosynthesis thing. Unfortunately you seem too closed minded to learn. I really feel sorry for you. I really hope your harvest cones out ok, really I do.
i never insulted you, i just don't agree with your personal beliefs... again.. don't take my word for what i'm saying but from people who have more education and dedication... and less ego than yourself.

You knave no idea what my education and/or professional experience is brother.
trashing UB as this and that when you are just another snowflake waiting to decay..

You didn't insult me? OK true. However you did make a lame attempt to do so.

Perhaps you could tell me how exactly I thrashed UB, because in my mind all I did was respond to his inaccuracies. It seems to me that UB is simply coming into this thread to start shit and trollitup. It seems that you are his fanboy and joining in. Be a leader, not a follower my friend. I really do want you to succeed, really I do. Don't allow yourself be be led astray blindly, lost in a flock of sheep.
Keep it for yourself brother.. if you are so hot.. go and prove it like you like to say.. in the "real" world.. not in this forum... why not.. and in your games.. Mr. Darwin..

I usually do keep it to myself. My point is, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about on that point, which would lead me to believe the same for most of your silly statements.

FYI, I'm only responding to you for my personal amusement. It's funny.
As stated in a previous post, I have. You think God put those super efficient big ass photon collectors there for some marihuana nerd to strip 'em off? :mrgreen:

Thats like me saying "you think god put those nice branches on your apple tree's for you to just prune them off?" silly arguement, we manipulate plants in all sorts of ways to get what we want out of them.

An avocado tree has leaves.

Like I said, I wouldn't touch the leaves on an apple tree. That's stupid and results in less fruit of lower quality. You see, there's this odd thing going on with plants called "photosynthesis". I open up dormant fruit trees in to a vase shape much like what happens with my 4 main cola drill. Fruiting trees are pruned hard when dormant during the winter, it's a common practice done on all fruiting trees done for certain reasons, but that's not the type of butchering you're talking about and for different reasons regarding certain results and profiles.

Look, you'll not convince me with your anecdotal evidence and hearsay and I'll not convince you with my science.


Fair enough, you will not convince me with scientific articles when I have personally seen the results on my grows and other peoples and I won't convince you otherwise as your growing style is to emulate what happens outside to the inside environment. I'm fine with that, personal preference.

What I don't understand is why you try to prove something wrong with only scientific articles when you'll never really properly attempted to see how it effects a grow inside. I've read a lot of your work and you have shared a lot of good information from pruning for tops, spin-out for chemical pruning, to dialing in nutrients with a better NPK ratios than cannabis specific nutrient provide. It's great information for all growers. But you know how you got this information to share? by doing experiments on your own and finding out the results, THEN sharing the information good or bad. I challenge you to start a SOG grow under a bunch of lights, leave half of them on their own, fan leave the other half every two weeks and see the result like a lot of us have done. THEN share your results and if you still believe defoliation has a negative effect on marijuana plants then fair enough. I have done the tests on my own and therefor I can testify and try and help others who may be curious about how defoliation can help a grow. Scientific articles on corn, cowpeas or lemon tree's really don't prove anything. Going to your grow and trying it out is the only way to really know if it helps. Hell you've been around for long enough that you must have seen some positive results from accomplished growers that defoliate, unless you've just just choosen to ignore it.
You didn't insult me? OK true. However you did make a lame attempt to do so.

Perhaps you could tell me how exactly I thrashed UB, because in my mind all I did was respond to his inaccuracies. It seems to me that UB is simply coming into this thread to start shit and trollitup. It seems that you are his fanboy and joining in. Be a leader, not a follower my friend. I really do want you to succeed, really I do. Don't allow yourself be be led astray blindly, lost in a flock of sheep.

lol, you are such a bad sport man... i don't have to tell you what you already know... and for your information... i'm not delusional... see.. how to put it... maybe you are trying to prove something to someone... maybe a trauma... i dont know you... i dont care... but simply is as... someone like UB who works on the field and its back up with modern science is good where he is at... i will learn from him as much as i can... and guess what.. when UB is not around anymore... ill have enough experience to share and give to new generations... and guess what.. when i'm not around anymore... and so... and so... and so... i don't know how you see that things work... but in my "world", sharing... works better... then pretending to be the shit...
so its pretty much hormonal response and re distribution of growth on lower buds due to the mass murder of leaves? see.. the thing is that i'm being fallacious by even believe this people claiming they are growing their weed to an optimal level and then claiming that because they defoliated and yield increased... then defoliation works... hell you know what.. and the only reason i even commented is to prevent new comes reading this to go after defoliation before even trying to master the art of growing a healthy plant..

He's trolling, trying to harrASS. No need to take the bait unless you want to.

The following may make you feel better and confirms this twerp's arrogance and stupidity. The noob doesn't understand plant anatomy nor plant part functions (i.e. large fan leaves). Let's have some fun.... :mrgreen:

DiAss says:
I think if anything the stomata were simply being blocked by the top leaf, which is why I feel like your co2 thoughts are a good point.

......the fact remains that the top leaf would still be covering the stomata of the bottom leaf.

Gawd that's funny! Di Ass, let me clue you in. Stomata is a specialized valve system located on the UNDERSIDE of a dicot leaf like cannabis or on both sides of the leaf such as grasses. You can't cover it up unless you seal it from underneath with Saran wrap and glue LOL. :)

Bueno bye,
lol, you are such a bad sport man... i don't have to tell you what you already know... and for your information... i'm not delusional... see.. how to put it... maybe you are trying to prove something to someone... maybe a trauma... i dont know you... i dont care... but simply is as... someone like UB who works on the field and its back up with modern science is good where he is at... i will learn from him as much as i can... and guess what.. when UB is not around anymore... ill have enough experience to share and give to new generations... and guess what.. when i'm not around anymore... and so... and so... and so... i don't know how you see that things work... but in my "world", sharing... works better... then pretending to be the shit...


I love you too man, but not in a gay way. Sorry.
I usually do keep it to myself. My point is, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about on that point, which would lead me to believe the same for most of your silly statements.

FYI, I'm only responding to you for my personal amusement. It's funny.
so i'm lol.. probably i don't have much idea if it weren't by the studies of others... which is pretty much you... like i said.. hot shot... write a book and educate the world..:)
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