Fan Leafs. Blockers of Light Or Energy Producers???

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yeah, im clipping the big ones... and how will i know what the truth is til i see it with my own eyes and do a little trial and erroring on my own. ill do it to have the tent. i need to get another couple clip fans in my tent. i do know that. 1 clip fan in a 4x8 is nowhere near what i should have. i have a 12 or 14" oscillating fan next to my 4x4 and that is doing pretty good i can say.
I usually give them a tug and if they come off, so be it. If not I leave em. I know it sounds wonky but it works for me.
^^ You the guy in the avatar? Just kidding. He was a real piece of shit. Demeo and his crew were assholes too. The mob guys in real life are scum, that is what I gathered from reading on them.
^with a stupid answer like that, i bet you get high off lawn clippings.

@MADnuggi - that is my thoughts on it. im only chopping a few small leafs here and there. i have a little bit of an overcrowding issue going on and i want light to penetrate further through the plants canopy. i can not LST them at this point and even if i could i would still opt to chop a few leafs off. i need to rearrange every plant in the tent and make sure there is even light distribution so with out chopping a few off here or there is see no other way for light to penetrate. the older lower fan leafs are usually the first to go. then and little leafs that may interfere. im looking for maximum flower development and not a shit load of leafs to trim off in the end. i do know that leafs serve a vital roll in plant and bud production, however so does light and fresh ventilation. and i do not think that more leafs will make up if i am lacking in either of those other departments. so fuck it! im chopping what i feel is needed. like i have said a million and ten times already, this is not my first grow and i do know that a few leafs aint going to affect my overall yield. i do think that if i leave too many leafs on it WILL effect my overall yield. so, basically i agree with ya. its funny how i can ask a question and 20 ppl will say "No" but with no scientific backing for their answers. and the people the say "Yes" always explain why. i just can not grasp that ideology!!
It's a joke , a joke son..... he keeps pitchin' 'em & you keep missin' 'em
they're the solar panels of your plants photosynthesis and all the stuff you were taught in 9th grade biology they power development and keep stuff growin, if the leave are ruining the canopy try something like lollipopping or duck footing fully developed fan leaves
im sorry my friend you are a day late and about $1.50 short. and i skipped 9th grade biology for 9th grade Bong loads 101. learned about it in 5th grade, but they were not teaching me how to grow cannabis. if the leafs are not going to get light anyway they are not solar panels, they are shaders. the bottom fan leafs will not get much light in my garden. i have too many plants in there. i have plants that are about 3-4ft tall. i dont think 6-10 fan leafs will hurt it any. and im not repeating myself anymore. i have learned what i needed to learn from this question. thanks to all who helped.
I have buds that are growing right under a huge fan leaf. it never gets any light, and is frosty, dense and just as developed as the main cola. Direct sunlight on the bud is not the only way it grows. The plant is a well designed bio-machine evolved over hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of years. IF IT DID NOT REQUIRE THE FAN LEAVES THE PLANT WOULD NOT GROW THEM. Common sence prevails.
I have buds that are growing right under a huge fan leaf. it never gets any light, and is frosty, dense and just as developed as the main cola. Direct sunlight on the bud is not the only way it grows. The plant is a well designed bio-machine evolved over hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of years. IF IT DID NOT REQUIRE THE FAN LEAVES THE PLANT WOULD NOT GROW THEM. Common sence prevails.
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Now that we established that raw cannabis, i.e. juiced leaves is a nutritional essential, it may not be a question of should I cut off leaves, but rather how many can I remove without reducing flowering too much.

Aggree on the shadegrown weed, just a shame about the yield.
It might as well be. How many should I remove the fan leave threads are there? 1,000?

BTW..I don't flush :)

Don't flush which one the toilet or ur plants, jus screwin witcha. But yeah its like any plant that produces fruit/flowers pruning can increase size if done correctly. Just look at a farmer growing apples or oranges they prune their trees so that they will produce less fruit but they will be larger. Now days u have a lot of farmers that are trying to practice sustainable farming where they don't prune the trees and end up with a lot of smaller fruit its a big part of the reason that "baby apples" have become so popular recently they aren't pruning trees and letting em grow naturally.
because oudoors provides a moving light source and the shade moves across the plant.

indoor shade grown, light mover + lattice work is cronic but super over the top for most producers/growers..
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