Fan Leafs. Blockers of Light Or Energy Producers???

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i want to say this is my best grow to date. the fan leafs usually never got to big or just died off prematurely. well, this round they are huge!! almost too huge. i have heard that fan leafs produce energy which provided the plant growth and nutrient flow. or something along them lines. dont quote me. but i heard they help a lot more then people think. is this true? is it counterproductive to cut off the lower to mid huger larger fan leafs? what if they are blocking light? i have chopped off the lower 40-50% growth. i have topped my plants, or FIMmed i should say, at least 2-3 times. so they are quite bushy. so there is not many fan leafs left, but the ones that are left are big and are blocking light. the ones up top are blocking light to the middle of the plant. i dont want to ruin a quite possibly perfect grow. but i would like light to penetrate better.
hey guys, im just talking about the lower ones, and SOME of the middle leafs in the middle. and JUST the BUGGER fan leafs. that is all. im not talking about all the leafs or anything like that. but i will leave the rest of the leafs alone. i just had to tie up some plants and was tieing them up with bamboo shots. kinda squeezed the main branches closer together. not much, but enough to have to light travel further down around the outsides of the plants. so there is not as much crowding.
Plain and simple, leaves are like your solar pannels, they are what absorbs the light that drives photosynthesis. Cutting a leaf off doesn't help you in anyway unless the leaf is dead. This theory that they block light lacks scientific backing. Look up how light works (double slit experiment comes to mind) and photosynthesis and you'll soon see why eliminating your leaves is harming you.
ahhh. okay. fifth grade science is all coming back to me now.

but what about them Scrog growers? who chop off everything below the screen? that is all i was talking about. in general, im doing a Sog style grow. instead of using a trellis system to support my plants i am using bamboo stakes. see what im saying? im only removing lower growth? nothing above the 40% line. well, i did take a few off here and there. but mainly the bottom ones...
Dog put them on their b/c Ron Paul isn't president... He is displeased with all the conspiracies against Dr. Ron the Paul aka Turtle McNasty.

I think when they cut off everything for a SCROG they do it before flip, or before flowering at least. I trim everything from the bottom six inches of the plant right before I flip.

And yea, the leaves absorb all that energy. Some people tie them or pin them down gently, the most I ever do is kinda tuck them down a little bit if there's a bigger bud next to them.
i can't even understand what yer saying. but ok. cool. and yeah i flipped them 10 days ago. and have just been tieing them up for the most part. trimming off a tad little bit on them bottoms can't be too counter productive. im looking at at least 50-100g per plant. with all my past estimates being lower then actual yields, i think ill be okay.
I pull leaves, Cervantes can kiss my ass. I take hand fulls off all through flower. Improves air flow, light penetration, and mold resistance. I get fan leaves the size of your head, if I left them that's all you would see is leaf.
I have grown with leaving everything on there, just makes for alot of undeveloped buds, and alot more trimming. I had no change in yield.
I only pull damaged leaves. If it isn't damaged, and is blocking a budsite, move the budsite or the leaf. If you can't manipulate your plants without bugging them out too bad, you're doing it wrong. It's okay to snip the bottom parts of the plants, it's okay not to. Depends on preference. I choose not to because that's where I'll be doing my breeding and "cookie jar" smokes.
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