Fan Hookup Issues

I am starting on my first grow and am having issues on connecting the fans that i have to a power supply. I only have four plants and the space that i have is only 3ftx1.5ftx3ft (LxWxH). I have four 80mm computer fans that are rated at 12v and .25amps and i also have 2 10v small blower fans for intake and exhaust and was wondering if anyone would be able to tell me the best way to hook all of these fans up to a outlet. i have tried buying an adapter rated at an output of 13.5vdc and 1000mA but it was not even close to enough power to supply all of the fans. i do leave the door open a crack with an actual house fan blowing from the outside to keep the heat down a bit. Any suggestions?? The first picture is of the small blower fan that i have. i have one on each side (intake and exhaust). the second picture is the whole setup and the third picture is of the fan with all the electrical information printed on the center. when looking at the picture of the setup if you have any suggestions on how to improve (i am on a very tight budget) your advice is more than welcome. thx.



Active Member
Get an OLD computer (the ones with flip switches on the back) and use the 12v section of the power supply?


Well-Known Member
the power supply you bought should be good for 3 of the 12v fans.1 amp = 1000 milliamps so it could run all 4 but it is not a good idea to max it out long term-i have melted 1 b4. you never mentioned how much power the 10 volt fans draw so I cant tell you what you need altho the PC power supply suggested above should work or 2 of the ones you bought may do it as well.