fan blowing to hard??


i hread 2 articles that say it actually helps the plant grow hardier thicker stems, to hold up them bountiful buds at cuttin time
Disclaimer" I am a newbie and don't know much"
Hope that helps

4 Aurora Indica on day 14 under 400w dual arc 24/7


Well-Known Member
What you read is right sigmili.

I'm growing under flouros which seems to grow spindly plants and it definitely helps to make the stalks 'woodier' as well as thicker.

It also seems to help keep the bugs down - fungus gnats don't fly too well in a breeze.

Keeping the lights low is also important to keep plants from getting leggy as they put their effort into reaching up to the light rather than building a strong stalk.

I'm almost finished flowering a few right now including one that was always in the center of a group of clones. Once its buds started to pack on weight, the topped branches bent down and knocked the plant off balance so I had to tie it to keep it from falling over. The ones around it that got hit with the fan are standing up fine on their own.

I'd probably lower the fan so it blows through the space between the tops and the light, but that's just me. They can take a higher speed than what the vid shows.