
That motherfucker Biden is going to starve the World, right?)

If Trump was still POTUS none of would have happened, right?

India bans wheat exports amid soaring global prices (msn.com)

Does anyone else notice the timeline of Calamity/Disasters/generally a fucked up exitance when Trump walked on the Worlds stage.

He's the fucking anti-Christ, the polar opposite of a good man

And he might get re-elected & that's when I sell my house and go back to Ireland

Fuck it

I think that I can purchase something from my Uncles & cousins (they have a lot of land)

Been thinking of it for decades, but that would be the end of it.

I have a pension & if my wife can get a job (she's a teacher)) we can survive
Plus I'll grow & should be able to sell a little.

I know people there & they all smoke if giving a chance, but it's hard to find there.

I want to experience a peaceful, calm departure from this madhouse, which is actually impossible to obtain here (too many Republicans)

It's fucking cursed

This song expresses my feeling about America today, :) (liars/deceitful/exploitative/racist/bigoted/inhumane/capitalistic fucking thieves & murderers

Oh yea,,

What's not to love :)

Sri Lanka has collapsed, the government has announced they are out of foreign currency so they can't pay for imports of what they need and they also said they only have 1 days worth of petrol. There are black outs on the power grid of 8 hours already but it will be shut down when fuel imports stop. The tourist industry has announced a ban on travel to the country because of the riots, tourism is a major source of foreign currency. One of the countries MP's was found naked and beaten to death after one of the riots. They also say crop yields in the country are at 25% so they will soon be out of food. They're fucked.
Fuck this

Russia's warships have blockaded all ports in Ukraine stopping all export of foods that the WORLD counts on.

This is bull shit.

Russia holding the Worlds food supply as a threat/hostage?


What will they do?

Eradicate those motherfuckers, NOW, before we all starve (& that now is inevitable)
Fuck this

Russia's warships have blockaded all ports in Ukraine stopping all export of foods that the WORLD counts on.

This is bull shit.

Russia holding the Worlds food supply as a threat/hostage?


What will they do?

Eradicate those motherfuckers, NOW, before we all starve (& that now is inevitable)

Fuck yea !!! (Rule Britannia/kick ass :) )

UK plans naval intervention against Russia in the Black Sea (msn.com)

Pakistan is the next up for collapse, they are nearly out of foreign currency and rely on food and fuel imports so they're fucked. The recent heat wave has damaged many of the crops they use to feed themselves and yields are half of normal.
Guy sounds like Trump

Can look you right in the eyes & lie directly to you, like the house is burning down around you & he started it & then tells you there's no fire, it's your imagination.

The World is dying right now in front of our eyes

Plague/War/Climate & now Starvation & deaths due to lack of wheat & other grains is guaranteed.

Actually, a fact

I say we, the US military (Navy ) blow the fuck out of every Russian warship blockading the food supply from leaving Ukraine.

It fucking HAS TO BE DONE, or millions starve to death

We sure as fuck started shit for much less than this.

And as far as nukes go, it takes 5 people to agree to launch in Russia

Do you think Putin could get 4 others to essentially commit suicide?

I don't think so
The World is dying right now in front of our eyes

Plague/War/Climate & now Starvation & deaths due to lack of wheat & other grains is guaranteed.

Actually, a fact

I say we, the US military (Navy ) blow the fuck out of every Russian warship blockading the food supply from leaving Ukraine.

It fucking HAS TO BE DONE, or millions starve to death

We sure as fuck started shit for much less than this.

And as far as nukes go, it takes 5 people to agree to launch in Russia

Do you think Putin could get 4 others to essentially commit suicide?

I don't think so
If America had of not gotten involved with east Slav affairs for its proxy war then the war wouldn't be going on for as long as it has.
He can act tall.
The Bigger they are/the Harder they will Fall

Truism that I think Putin is/has/will sure as fuck understand now what the fuck that statement is about.

Russia is fucked, win or lose.

Very fucking nice, indeed!!!

If America had of not gotten involved with east Slav affairs for its proxy war then the war wouldn't be going on for as long as it has.
no, russia would have indiscriminately murdered hundreds, perhaps thousands more Ukrainians, and stolen their entire country from them...i hope it goes on till the russian empire collapses and every fucking russian who supported putin's campaign of murder starves the fuck to death...i would NEVER lift a single sanction on them, they hate the west? then fuck them, let em try to thrive doing business with the few third world countries that will still touch them...China is backing away from them....
and don't blame America for this shit, we didn't start the war, putin did, and the Ukrainians didn't have to accept aid from anyone. we offered, they accepted...that doesn't make this a proxy war, we didn't start this shit, we tried to stop it.
The experts say that the usual 90 day surplus of global food is down to around 6 weeks and countries are still living off of last years harvest. The real shit will hit the fan in probably October after harvest. Because of the war and the fertilizer shortage and high prices along with high fuel costs the crop yields are going to be way below normal, maybe by half in many parts of the world. Add in crop losses from heat waves that hit India and the surrounding region and other areas of the planet. That should start the famine and bring even higher food prices, the world has never seen death on the scale of what's headed our way.