
Talk of the planet only being able to feed 6 billion people with the current loss of fertilizers and grain exports by the end of the year. The world generally only has a 90 day surplus of food in the system at most.
That's always seemed sort of crazy to me, we could produce so much more. I think of it as we can only feed this many people at this current profit level in a society arranged as this one is.
The factory food system has many problems, spoilage drives much of it. They process everything heavily to avoid spoilage, polishing rice to adding preservatives to pasteurizing all make things less nutritious for the trade off of a longer shelf life. When high fuel costs stop seasonal crops from being shipped around the globe it will be another problem to throw on the pile.
Yup, just when you think this World couldn't get more fucked up, it does.

This issue, a direct result of Putin existing, is going to REALLY fuck the entire world, again.

That one motherfucker is going to be responsible for possisbly a million people in Africa/ME starving to death

It's inevitable

Then I read that bread in this country will double in cost by September

Jesus fucking Christ

I thought times were bad under Trump, but the last two years were worse & I didn't think that was possible.

Ah man, I'm so fucking sick of this shit.

And all you growers out there know that once you lose a crop, and in Ukraine's case, the fields are destroyed, your basically fucked for a year.

So doing the math, and the fact that you can't rush nature, it'll be 2 years before they can grow a complete crop & ship the product.

This is going to be a very, very bad.

One man announced a month ago he was going to change the word..one man.

The fault is ours.
Sri Lanka is in trouble already. The government can't afford fuel,food and medical imports. The military is manning the fuel pumps to control violence that has already happened in long lines, the poor use kerosene for heat and cooking. This will be ugly quick.
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Food Bank and it was crowded. I was behind a man about 6'5", who was dancing and carrying on quite the conversation with himself. I inquired if he was going to move forward when the line moved and he responded that no one said I could talk and..well:mrgreen:..he left in a hissy fit worthy of Lindsay Graham because he's worth more than this!..had the Food Bank police come for me saying that I used profanity against the poor psycho which was a lie. Luckily a witness spoke up, but not the lady who pointed me out when they though it was her.

When I first arrived there was a fist fight over the last frozen meat..I was just entering and they held us back.

I've never seen that many people in attendance..what does this tell us on a US and geo level?
Food Bank and it was crowded. I was behind a man about 6'5", who was dancing and carrying on quite the conversation with himself. I inquired if he was going to move forward when the line moved and he responded that no one said I could talk and..well:mrgreen:..he left in a hissy fit worthy of Lindsay Graham because he's worth more than this!..had the Food Bank police come for me saying that I used profanity against the poor psycho which was a lie. Luckily a witness spoke up, but not the lady who pointed me out when they though it was her.

When I first arrived there was a fist fight over the last frozen meat..I was just entering and they held us back.

I've never seen that many people in attendance..what does this tell us on a US and geo level?
… whuh.