Family trying to Narc!!


I live in a state where pot is still illegal. Due to a family rift they are making up stories that I blow pot smoke in my kids faces and outrageous stuff. They are threatening to call DCFS to take the kids. The reality is that i am veteran who keeps his meds locked up and is a great parent. I also have a stealth grow with a couple small plants. Does anyone know if i should be worried? Thanx!!

valley grower

Active Member
ofcourse u should be worried about it its the people who brush that kind of shit off that get put in jail. if its illegal in your state still i would shut it down i have family in oklahoma and have seen some of them get 6 months for having a joint thats alot less than your plants. KEEP YOUR GUARD UP AT ALL TIMES!


It is decriminalized where i live and the laws state that 4 plants or less is a misdemeanor. The pot will get me a fine here as I have no criminal record at all. i have done the research and spoken to people in the know here. It's DCFS i am worried about. I don't know how they work, I have heard if called they come and do a walk through but are not a task force. They just make sure no children are being harmed or neglected. So they don't look though stuff. My grow is very stealth. I am harvesting today or tomorrow. So instead of breaking down my setup i was going to throw some tomatoes in there. Looking to see if anyone is in the know about DCFS or has heard of stories.


Active Member
you should readmy busted thread. it might not completely apply to you, but i live in a medical state and i got hit pretty hard. they took my kids away, and even tho poss of marijuana under an ounce is a civil citation, until i go to court and fight the unjust charges, they will stick as felonies until then as that is the cops' way of making sure at least something takes you to jail in the mean time. oh, and there is nothing stealth about a drying and curing plant. dont make the same mistake i did. your children are not worth a few ounces. plants regrow in 3 months time. if you even just get probation, that puts off at least 3 or 4 complete grows, costing you potential pounds.


Well-Known Member
Umm heall yeah you should be worried.. ditch the plants immediately.. and if you ever grow again, never let any of them know...regardless if you trust them AT THE MOMENT...

Best of luck...


Well-Known Member
I would have to bitch slap, then bitch kick and then slap again, anyone who would say that I was blowing marijuana smoke into my kid's face. Them is fighting words, family or not. I suspect an ex wife is involved? Or did you scorn a piece of pussy that's coming back to prove the shit ain't free?

Jer La Mota

Well-Known Member
I live in a state where pot is still illegal. Due to a family rift they are making up stories that I blow pot smoke in my kids faces and outrageous stuff. They are threatening to call DCFS to take the kids. The reality is that i am veteran who keeps his meds locked up and is a great parent. I also have a stealth grow with a couple small plants. Does anyone know if i should be worried? Thanx!!
Id ditch the plants, and then ditch that family slowly, cut communication bit by bit. No offense but for all we know (not that it concerns us), they could be worst parents .. and to me a threat is a threat, no matter who sends it..

ps. you said meds though pot's illegal in your state, can you elaborate ?


Fortunately I have a trusted place to dry and cure my grow. I have already packed up the illegals. my stealth grow is however staying, except I am now making it unstealth and growing cherry tomatoes. Thats not illegal!! So if anyone shows up my family looks stupid. I even wiped down all gardening tools so i will have no trace of MJ except my personal stash. No pussy involved believe it or not. I called out another family member on their gambling addiction. they came to visit and spent the whole time gambling. Which has been an ongoing problem, so i brought it up. Not in a prick way, just as a family member who is here to help and the response has been to tell the whole family I smoke pot. Which is funny cause they already know. It was brought up to me by someone else would they Narc? The answer was yes! And sure enough I get a call from the gambler with that exact threat!!

As far as referring to "my meds", that is what it is. That is how i use it and treat it regardless of what the politicians want to call it! I agree a threat is a threat. Ties are definitely being cut. Not bit by bit though! All at once!


Active Member
well, good luck to you then. hopefully i dont see a busted thread started up by you in the near future, then.


Active Member
sounds like ur gonna have to put the pot down for abit and let shit cool down.
for your kids.


King Tut
I would have to bitch slap, then bitch kick and then slap again, anyone who would say that I was blowing marijuana smoke into my kid's face. Them is fighting words, family or not. I suspect an ex wife is involved? Or did you scorn a piece of pussy that's coming back to prove the shit ain't free?
I hear ya! If he wants to try it after he's older, that's his choice. I would NEVER get ANYONE high without their knowledge and consent. ANYONE!

As for OP, shut it down, make sure the kids won't test positive, and pick your fight wisely. I am estranged from my sister for this very reason. She threatened to call even though I'm legal. She won't even come into my house. I simply told HER what the repercussions would be, both legal(cuz I have dirt on her) and social. She backed down. I have a script for MY meds, she doesn't. Hypocrite!


Im totally cool with chillin for a bit. I am really going to grow tomatoes though! Never thought I would say it but I enjoy gardening!! So let whoever call whoever!! When they come Ill make them a nice salad!!!


Active Member
if you live in a state without medicle, an indoor garden of any type will only invite suspicion. honestly, the cops in non med states are crooked enough to just get a warrent on the non existant "smell" of weed, after you show them your tomatoe grow, and then bust your door down when you least suspect it~~~~all in the effort of trying to catch you with your dried stash. besides, think about how much money you are wasting in electricity for like 10 of tomatoes. in the interest of you and your children, put your stealth grow away. keep it put up for 31 days. if you suffer no reprocutions from your family, pull it out and start your next crop. you are going to do this anyways, as you will tear your tomatoe grow down as soon as you feel safe, right? this conserves the life of your grow lights, and saves your electric bill. if someone does come in, you tell any official be it your local police force or DHS that you dont know what that family member was talking about~~~thus saving you from being fucked on a follow up investigation down the road should someone be suspicios of you indoor tomatoe garden.