Falty ballast?


Well-Known Member
So i goto wal-mart which in itself was a task and bought my first lighting system. Let me remind you im on a budget.

So here goes. I get a shop light and 2 ecolux wide spectrum bulbs. Set up is a breeze but after 3 days i noticed my light was off. I turned it on and within an hour it was off again. I switched outlets and bulbs and still it is shutting off. MMM i ask myself. Maybe it's overheating or it's the ballast. You know like a safety feature. I take the light back to wal-mart but keep the bulbs. The give me a 16 dollar gift card i go buy 16 dollars worth of beer come home take the light out of my garage which is a shop light throw the ecolux bulbs in and walla baqk in buisness. If this goes of like the other what's the culprit?

You did get the correct corresponding bulb for the correct balast right as thier are T12, T10, T8, and T5.All but T5s look similar and could be slipped into the sam ballast but wount all work correctly.All just grab a new T8 ballast at wally world they are like $7 for a 2 tube four footer
Yes the fixture i got was specially made for T-12's. More than likely it was a falty ballast. Oh well im up and running again so that's the important thing.
