Fake piss - Lab drug tests?


New Member
Well, i made a post eairlier and everybudy told me the only way to pass my test for walmart is to use somebudy elses piss, or to use fake piss. Well, i got a $75 bottle of fake piss from my brother, it has temperature gages and shit on it. Im jsut worred because im going to a LAB, not one of them 15$ test kits, will a lab know if it is real or fake piss?


Active Member
you dont know ANYONE with clean urine? thats kinda impossible. your siblings, friends, coworkers, other family, anyone? if you do find someone with clean piss, rather than spending 75 dollars on fake piss, spend LESS money and buy a wizzonator (sp?). its a fake dick and you fill it with piss, wear it like a jock strap and pump the piss out while it looks like you are in fact urinating. works every time.