Fake Flowers to Camo Plants -- Pros & Cons?


Well-Known Member

As you can see my plants are flowering :) Well the plants are into there last stretch right now. I hope it stops soon. I have what could be a bigger problem though. As you can I added some fake flowers to my plants. The flowers stems are plastic coated wire. I used floral tape to tape them to the MJ stems. Yes it worked great but wwhile I was doing this I wondered if this might cause mold around the buds from the tape thats on the stems? As it is right now the buds will grow over the plastic coated wire stem and about an inch of floral tape.
What do you think? Has anyone did this before during flower?
I was thinking to take the flowers off and add longer wires to them and then use the floral tape to tape them to the main stems and just run them up by binding the longer wires place them?
What do you think?
Open to any ideas?



Plants look good.......the flowers are a nice touch...lol. I guess it would help at a quick glance from the air. Good luck and keep us posted on the flowering.


Active Member
I would get some thin dowelling from the local Home Depot and stick them into the ground,then tape the flowers to those.Floral tape is for cut flowers..not living plants.Looks great tho.Thanks for the pics.


Well-Known Member
I would get some thin dowelling from the local Home Depot and stick them into the ground,then tape the flowers to those.Floral tape is for cut flowers..not living plants.Looks great tho.Thanks for the pics.
I would have to get 10 foot dowels? Well 9 foot anyway. Thanks for the idea though. It would work great if the plants were smaller.

I am thinking coat hanger wire now. tapped to the middle main stalks. No buds there and they can handle the tape and less fear from bud mold..

Any others?



Well-Known Member
Trying to be as nice as possible here...keep it to one thread. I know you're happy about your plants, and you should be...they're gorgeous. But you have a nice thread already going..


Well-Known Member
Trying to be as nice as possible here...keep it to one thread. I know you're happy about your plants, and you should be...they're gorgeous. But you have a nice thread already going..
friend not every person reads grow threads. Plus in future thread searches in may help a member such as me looking for answers. This thread has been about fake flowers. Not my grow Journal.

I was thinking I could have a problem and wanted answers fast. So a thread was in order. The pics were a plus.



Well-Known Member
IT WORKS! i have done it once and my father did it for years! 90% of homeowners would never know what those bushes are, but they might wonder why you would want some big leafy bush growing there, to be honest, if you cant make it aesthetically eye catching it will still catch a little attention, but if you add a lot of eye catching and believable flowers, then BAM! you no longer have some strange leafy bush but a nice big flower bush. it's best to use flowers not to well known, black eyed susan or sunflower shaped flowers aren't believable, nor are lilys tulips or roses, your best bet is the vine type flowers, the lesser known ones...people might wonder why a white daisy like flower is coming from a big bush if they garden and look even closer...

Papi Chingon

Well-Known Member
a bit of advice: don't make two separate threads about the same topic on this forum...tends to piss people off


Well-Known Member
a bit of advice: don't make two separate threads about the same topic on this forum...tends to piss people off
Two threads? Show me? I have only made two threads so far as a member. My grow journal and this one about fake flowers. what is wrong with some people? Are you saying I should only post in my original grow thread? Right?

If I could I would give you all a bong hit.