Faith Is as Ignorant As Athiesm


Active Member
There both nothing more than decieving arguements trying to make you belieave what they belieave and then if you dont they think your ignorant. Childish as much as meaningless really both sides just make themself look stupid.. By preaching Sophism. Discuss
Without religion i wouldnt be able to sleep in church and dream about getting nuns pregnant and leaving them.
Im agnostic, so i believe that theres something out there but idk what it is yet, nor am i intent on looking anytime soon.
I think there may be something out there...but christianity really sticks in my craw when someone preaches it at me.Often I'll argue the atheist standpoint just to make them doubt themselves.I'm an ass.
Yes I agree, but the majority of athiest I have seen preach and argue as much as any christian I think thats still bringing yourself down to there level.
I argue with one on here a lot.I can't stand self righteous attitudes, and an inability to see other views or even consider them.I tell him all the time, your truth isn't everyone's truth.He doesn't get it.I'm sure you'll see him about.

If you think about it both sides feel exactly the same even though they are opposites. I dont like to lower myself and argue unless someone is just completeling manipulating someone and no one else is trying to take a stand. I like to think outside of the box.
I'm Irish with anger issues.Sometimes I like a good fight, lol.
If you think about it both sides feel exactly the same even though they are opposites. I dont like to lower myself and argue unless someone is just completeling manipulating someone and no one else is trying to take a stand. I like to think outside of the box.
Are you guys agnostic when it comes to your an atheist in respect to fairies....why because there no evidence that fairies exist...........but I could say well you could be wrong, there is possibility that fairies are you ignorant when it comes to your non belief of fairies..........because there is a possibility that fairies exist...................................What if i tell you I have an imaginary friend that I smoke out with all the time........what would you say? I am agnostic toward natrones imaginary friend........I mean it could be true right .....prove me wrong.......oh yeah and my imaginary friend that i smoke weed with is invisible but I know he is there because I have faith.......prove to me that I don't have an imaginary friend that is invisible