FYI.....I use a device called The Urinator.........since they do not watch you on pre-employment testing, you stuff it in your underwear. It's operated by a 9V battery to keep the urine at a perfect temp. You can use artificial urine or someone elses who does not smoke. I have used in numerous times, all successfully. I have also lent it out about 10 times, and they were all successful too. Easy, easy easy!!!
Rather than come off difficult in an interview, play the game and cheat with a device. It's 100% reliable, easy to use, and in the back of your mind you can say "fuck you" employer. Most employers will say it's company policy, you must pee or we can't hire you. Spend the money, get the job you want, and be done with it all.
Rather than come off difficult in an interview, play the game and cheat with a device. It's 100% reliable, easy to use, and in the back of your mind you can say "fuck you" employer. Most employers will say it's company policy, you must pee or we can't hire you. Spend the money, get the job you want, and be done with it all.