Failed attempt at Tincture

I really want to get this tincture thing down, but just wasted 5 grams of dank nugs :( with a failed attempt, here is my story....

I took 60 ml of 95% alcohol and put it in an empty jar of pasta sauce (glass)

I ground between 4-5 grams in a coffee grinder for about 10 seconds

I put the green on a tray and toasted it at 325-350 for about 5 min, it did not look toasted

I put the green in the jar with the alcohol

Put all that in a pot of boiling water ( i dont have a thermometer to measure the temp of the water) for about 30 min.

strained the liquid with a cheese cloth and put in a bottle with a dropper.

drank about half the bottle over the course of a day, with little to no effect.

Question 1: has anyone tried the following...

1. grind pot
2. put in alcohol
3. let it sit in darkness for 2 weeks shaking every day
4. after 2 weeks boiled it in water at 175 F (feel free to recommend a different temp)

i read like 50 pages of posts on tincture here at RIU but still seem lost