Fact or Fiction?


Well-Known Member
So is it true that if you were to smoke everyday for lets say a year, and for a month or 2 you stop smoking, that when you resmoke again months later you'll be even higher than if you were to be smoking everyday?

Just something iv always wondered cause I smoke to much everday to take a month off haha:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
yes thats true, i smoke upto 3 to 4 grams a day, and somtimes need a break, even 1 day off helps
the more days off the the better.
its good to give your tollerence a break.


Well-Known Member
good . pleased to meet you, what you growing??
well im having a hell of a time growing because there is always another problem after i fix one lol

but right now i have one mystery plant that i renamed the Mexican Blanket.
The other baby plants i am growing are 2 G-13s


Well-Known Member
I don't think thats true my girlfriend stopped smoking for a year and when she started up again she said it was the same as before


Well-Known Member
good luck, every problem is a lesson learned.
hope the m.blanket does ok.
why m.blanket??
also are you going to start a grow j. for the g 13. that would be good.
any pics, of the plant i mean.


Well-Known Member
I don't think thats true my girlfriend stopped smoking for a year and when she started up again she said it was the same as before
thats your girlfriend she must be weird, it works with everyone else.
i worked in a drug services and its the same for every other drug.

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Well-Known Member
lol fdd... good luck with your grow GGG! You look vurry pretty judging by your mysterious flick of an avatar lol, im also guessing your hispanic maybe??? i am!! :D