Faces of the master race.

Kentucky has honorary colonels, perhaps Tennessee should have officially designated morons? Anybody who pays attention to her for a minute would qualify, only the ignorant and profoundly stupid need apply. The vaccinated people should have been trying to demonstrate the effects she was blathering about and trying the experiment then and there, by trying to stick their keys to their foreheads! :lol: Shit, offer a reward to anybody who can do it without an adhesive!:lol:

You can't get too many people to publicly admit they are stupid by direct means, however there are ways it can be done and this is one of them!
Maybe newer keys, but I'd bet every key I have is magnetic. The funny part is that, of all metals to put inside a body, anything with iron isn't one of them. We'd find out who hasn't had their tetanus shots real quick.
I stand corrected, it's just the rings that are magnetic. I knew my "keys" were attracted to magnets, but I guess never took the time to see that it was actually the rings.
This little gem is a 28 year old Chicago cop who lives with his mom and dad.


On the day of the Capitol siege, Chwiesiuk texted the same friend, “We inside the capital lmfao.”

After the siege made national news, the same friend texted Chwiesiuk to report he’d seen guns were drawn and windows broken out in the U.S. Senate chamber.

“Yeah I was there,” Chwiesiuk allegedly replied, adding later with a racial slur, “(Expletive) don’t snitch.”

Do you get to meet this clown @GodAlwaysWins ?