Facebook gun rights activist shot and wounded by 4-year-old son who “gets jacked up” to target shoot

Respect in the real world is when ppl see each other as equals. Whether talking about you, blacks, whi

how so? Fkn moron

Let me quote you.

This country is fkt up, but not just because of the politicians and greed. It's ppl like you that believe the riots were justified and cop killers are doing a service, that blm is actually a group trying to level the playing field. Your train and fm thought is a virus to this country

What she did was really foolish and irresponsible. It's not just this post of yours that my opinion comes from. I'm sure you could care less what ppl think of you. What you are runs deep with poison. I've followed your comments and threads and find most of what comes from you could fill a sewage plant.
<- setting it up for the "you're just a black vs white person"

It exists....but distorted by ppl like you. Black ppl are more racist than white.

And there we have it folks.

I'm well over 60. Well. I had my first 22 semiauto rifle at 7. I was raised in a very remote farming area. I shot my first squirrel at 7. We ate what we hunted. We butchered 2 hogs and 1 beef every fall. We made lard etc. Yeah it was tough. Anyway we were responsible. Hell I had responsibilities when I was 5. Now I'm getting ready to retire. My son handled guns at a young age. I would never store a loaded gun in the car. Ammo and weapons in different places. This lady was very irresponsible and has no idea how to handle weapons. Imagine what her child will be. I still live on a farm. Yeah I have a .17 hmr for varmints loaded as well as a pistol. Put up out of kids reach.
I'm well over 60. Well. I had my first 22 semiauto rifle at 7. I was raised in a very remote farming area. I shot my first squirrel at 7. We ate what we hunted. We butchered 2 hogs and 1 beef every fall. We made lard etc. Yeah it was tough. Anyway we were responsible. Hell I had responsibilities when I was 5. Now I'm getting ready to retire. My son handled guns at a young age. I would never store a loaded gun in the car. Ammo and weapons in different places. This lady was very irresponsible and has no idea how to handle weapons. Imagine what her child will be. I still live on a farm. Yeah I have a .17 hmr for varmints loaded as well as a pistol. Put up out of kids reach.

As a person who's pretty liberal and does want to see some amount of gun control... People like you make me think differently. :D
As a person who's pretty liberal and does want to see some amount of gun control... People like you make me think differently. :D
Believe me, I work with people who have concealed carry and some should not. I never wanted a concealed carry. Most people live by their emotions.
It's not even worth it. I'm done here. Nothing could be said to change my mind that the mindset you guys air, is poison and pretty fking sad. No balls, no backbone...worthless twits....oxygen pirates...

Twisted titties,it confounds you because you are a witless bigot.
Get lost. You haven't done anything other than embarrass yourself a dig a deeper hole for your racist coward friends.

I'm well over 60. Well. I had my first 22 semiauto rifle at 7. I was raised in a very remote farming area. I shot my first squirrel at 7. We ate what we hunted. We butchered 2 hogs and 1 beef every fall. We made lard etc. Yeah it was tough. Anyway we were responsible. Hell I had responsibilities when I was 5. Now I'm getting ready to retire. My son handled guns at a young age. I would never store a loaded gun in the car. Ammo and weapons in different places. This lady was very irresponsible and has no idea how to handle weapons. Imagine what her child will be. I still live on a farm. Yeah I have a .17 hmr for varmints loaded as well as a pistol. Put up out of kids reach.
You've nailed it with regard to how to handle and store your fire arms.
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Anytime we glorify weapons or death it is sad. It is a somewhat necessary evil. I used to enjoy a .308 at 500 yards and a 1" grouping. I grew up and found life is more important and to short. I've shot many a livestock with a .22 short solid between the eyes. No pleasure. Life is precious. I hate to shoot coyotes but I have 2 Jack russels.
Anytime we glorify weapons or death it is sad. It is a somewhat necessary evil. I used to enjoy a .308 at 500 yards and a 1" grouping. I grew up and found life is more important and to short. I've shot many a livestock with a .22 short solid between the eyes. No pleasure. Life is precious. I hate to shoot coyotes but I have 2 Jack russels.
The goal for many that raise livestock is to give the animal a good life and only one bad day. Not factory farms but the local food movement is embracing the kind of thinking you are endorsing.

At one time, coyotes were kept in check by wolves and without a population control, the situation would eventually become unhealthy for coyotes much less everybody else. Guns have their place, especially on the farm. Traps cause a whole lot more suffering for the animal than your rifle.