Fabric pots v’s Air pots


Well-Known Member
I'd do a search on the topic, I remember we were discussing this fairly recently. Yes, Air pots are the bomb, and luckily there are some decent generic versions on Amazon these days. I like the 2 and 3 gallon sizes, but if I were to automate multi-feedings with coco I'd give 1 gals a shot. Once I tried them I was in love, they are just a nice design.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Rurumo, I’ve heard a few negatives about smart pots but all good about air pots now. So air pots it is.
what size air pots you reckon for a 1.2m x 2.4m footprint with 8 plants?

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
You can grow big plants in a 3 or 5 ltr air pot but they need feeding more frequently especially in a warm climate.

Hand feeding I used 10ltr or 15ltr.

Fwiw you can use a 15ltr as a 10ltr by raising the bottom 1/3.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Star Dawg yeah been researching and with the air pruning I’ve been told when the root hits the light the end of root dies then 2 roots grow in opposite directions a bit like topping. Therefore making a bigger root mass.
I’d like to aim for 5oz dry per plant, would a 15 litre air pot make this possible and also how frequently would I have to feed?


Well-Known Member
I think fabric and air pots perform about the same. The difference is price and durability. Treated well, airpots should last you a lifetime. I get 3-4 grows from a fabric pot.
I wouldn't say they produce a bigger rootmass, just a better rootmass. There will be a much higher proportion of the hairlike feeder roots, instead of the thicker taproots.
I used to ghetto grow in drilled 5 gallon buckets. 3 gallon grow bags support the same size plant for my grow now.

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
Thanks Star Dawg yeah been researching and with the air pruning I’ve been told when the root hits the light the end of root dies then 2 roots grow in opposite directions a bit like topping. Therefore making a bigger root mass.
I’d like to aim for 5oz dry per plant, would a 15 litre air pot make this possible and also how frequently would I have to feed?
Yes 15ltr would good for 5oz+
A 15ltr is better for ease of use and a greater potential for bigger yields.


Well-Known Member
Be careful having your air pot on the same side as a heavy fan breeze. If the fan has to blow on it I recommend a wind shield to prevent uneven drying.
Floraflex makes some neat watering caps. I use the whole floraflex system
Still dialing them in. One of the distributors was set up wrong and all the water was going to three plants last week until I noticed today
Here's a pic of my setup20220824_062706.jpg

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
Thanks Star Dawg yeah been researching and with the air pruning I’ve been told when the root hits the light the end of root dies then 2 roots grow in opposite directions a bit like topping. Therefore making a bigger root mass.
I’d like to aim for 5oz dry per plant, would a 15 litre air pot make this possible and also how frequently would I have to feed?
If you're going to buy them be careful which ones you choose, Ime even the copies are great with the exception of this type.
Post #5


Well-Known Member
Be careful having your air pot on the same side as a heavy fan breeze. If the fan has to blow on it I recommend a wind shield to prevent uneven drying.
Floraflex makes some neat watering caps. I use the whole floraflex system
Still dialing them in. One of the distributors was set up wrong and all the water was going to three plants last week until I noticed today
Here's a pic of my setupView attachment 5186500
Fans will be above coco level dude. Thanks though