Fabric pots or plastic pots

Herb potman

Well-Known Member
I use coco, worm castings and perlite, all organic dry amendments in plastic pots. And I find that it stays moist for a day or 2. I used to do soils and synthetic nutrients, but I’m so happy I made the switch
Hey there. Can u get into more detail for a n future or want to use coco. But only if I can water every other day. Daily too much. And I wanted to go same style nutes as u mentioned too


Active Member
Hey there. Can u get into more detail for a n future or want to use coco. But only if I can water every other day. Daily too much. And I wanted to go same style nutes as u mentioned too
You just can’t over complicate coco, otherwise you just doing to much and your ph is gonna be all over the place. Just keep it basic with one line of nutes, and you only have to water daily if your doing straight coco with liquid nutes. If you put worm castings or bat guano it’s gonna hold water better But later in the grow when you plants get bigger your gonna end up watering daily no matter what. Just what ever you do don’t over complicate it.

Herb potman

Well-Known Member
You just can’t over complicate coco, otherwise you just doing to much and your ph is gonna be all over the place. Just keep it basic with one line of nutes, and you only have to water daily if your doing straight coco with liquid nutes. If you put worm castings or bat guano it’s gonna hold water better But later in the grow when you plants get bigger your gonna end up watering daily no matter what. Just what ever you do don’t over complicate it.
CAn u share what nute line u use