F*cking C*nt


Well-Known Member
Man my fucking dorm cut back my internet to 10GB a month because we are only supposed to use it for college, wtf since when. So i wrote the admin that i need 1GB more for this month because i have 5 exams i am learning for and i will run out of internet soon.
He just writes back i better save what i have left because it should be enough for a student to do his work.
I can get a little more once i run out but that means itll happen while im learning and the internet will be shut down. Then ill have to contact him and go through all the hassle and wait till i get more instead of just getting it now.
I feel like this is big brother where they just decide to cut back and TELL US what is enough and what we are supposed to use the internet for. Even when you tell them its not enough all they say is your a student and for learning its enough.


Well-Known Member
they gotta control there bandwith usage man... they are only allowed so much therefore they have to distribute it evenly...you probably already know this..idk write up another letter or some shit or use ur roomates


Well-Known Member
they gotta control there bandwith usage man... they are only allowed so much therefore they have to distribute it evenly...you probably already know this..idk write up another letter or some shit or use ur roomates
i aint got no limits in college? just cnt go to certain sites:confused:


Well-Known Member
We get free broadband here in england.
I pay 20 quid a month/40 dollars,for everything,phone,line rental,call package and 8mb adsl with a 40gig monthly limit.
Dont Americans get free broadband?


Well-Known Member
we had unlimited here for years untill they just changed it without and pre warnings. Every email i write them they just reply with "what you have is enough for a student".


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure a student uses/needs the internet more than any other person. Email, phone(skype), radio, watching news, then theres normal sites like youtube that i wont be able to use anymore....
I told them that what we have now just inst enough and i wouldnt be able to live here without the possibility to have more internet and they just said id have to look for a new place then..
Im starting to wonder if they have the possibility to monitor what sites i go to. Im moving as soon as i find a place.


Well-Known Member
take yo ass up to their office....dont even waste your time with written words man....just walk up there and ask politely blah blah blah..i pay blah blah blah now come on chicken fucker give me some more fuckin BW


Well-Known Member
Ive been to the office, the person who works here is a lady and she was just like, i dont know i dont organize the internet here and all she told me was "10GB a month is enough for a student".
THeres a list of people who would move in if we left so they dont care if we get pissed off and move. If i wasnt growing id piss them off a lot more.
They have several dorms and they also just say, weve had a limit in all the other places for years and some even only have 5 GB a month... (more or less saying stop bitching your lucky were giving you 10)


Well-Known Member
It's about to get bad...Time Warner Cable will be limiting the monthly bandwidth of all it's customers to like 2 or 3 gb. If you want more than that it's going to be expensive. Supposedly this whole limitation thing is to fight people downloading movies and stuff off of bit torrent and similar filesharing systems...the problem is they aren't going to stop their customers, they are just going to make more money off of them. You will be able to pay extra for more gb per month but it will cost like 10$/ Mo. per extra gb.

This is just the beginning.All the cable companies want to make it so that they can bring you their own versions of the web, complete with censors and filtering all content that they ( and probably the government ) son't want you to be able to see, such as your favorite marijuana site...They also want to charge insane rates for bandwidth and cap the small guy and sell the majority to businesses for huge profits.

I have Time Warner, and when this GB cap hits my area I'm switching companies...we may have to go back to a high speed DSL to be able to enjoy the net like we do now...

P.S.- Google wants to provide free phone service and internet access to the world starting with the U.S., and the courts are still keeping them from doing so because it will hurt the cable industry...so now our gov. can tell google how they can and can't spend their own money...

The internet is the last free island on the planet. And it's about to get alot less free.


Well-Known Member
I think it is BS as well, its just principal. However, 10gb is a lot nevertheless, cut back a little on the peer to peer networks and downloading movies. They are only trying to protect themselves from copyright infringement. Come on, honestly researching for papers and school work does not utilize any where close to 10gb/month. Hence their statement of 10gb/month because you are a student is enough.


Well-Known Member
I think it is BS as well, its just principal. However, 10gb is a lot nevertheless, cut back a little on the peer to peer networks and downloading movies. They are only trying to protect themselves from copyright infringement. Come on, honestly researching for papers and school work does not utilize any where close to 10gb/month. Hence their statement of 10gb/month because you are a student is enough.
10 GB a month is very easy to reach LEGALLY. Go to CNN or any news site and watch some videos, check out last nights episode on the official site of the dailyshow, listen to internet radio and in a month your well past 10 GB.

I dont see how time warner can change to 2 GB if youre paying for unlimited... not that im using that.

Our dorms can change how much we use because in the contract is says "free internet". Were not paying so we dont have a say