
Well-Known Member
Why does she need to be arrested? For looking at her phone during school and then refusing to stand up?
I bet if she had got up and left
when the teacher asked
Or when the principal came and asked
Or when the cop finally showed up and asked

She wouldn't of been arrested for nothing, and if she had a need counseling would of been ordered


Well-Known Member
Seems that one went over your head. I was referring to slavery. The white enslaved the blacks and called women and children the N word. The white culture is so respectable.
What does the past have to do with me? My family does not come from slave owners so wtf do I care what they did?

That's like Israelis calling Jewish people Juden swine because it's cool and the nazis did it first so it's ok. I wonder why they don't do that in Israel where they have lost even more people than American blacks.....


Well-Known Member
Disrupting Schools (south Carolina law on books)
Disorderly conduct
obstruction of justice
Resisting Arrest
Battery to a police officer

Those are just the laws
The school rules are another matter
The first two are infractions or misdemeanors and one can argue whether or not they are appropriate. I'm not going to concede these two but won't argue them right now because you are so wrong about the last three. In any case, a verbal correction, maybe some community service time and go home is all she'd get.

The next three were created when the officer unjustly and unlawfully put his hands on that girl and flipped her to the floor. And oh by the way, she looks pretty much helpless even then. The police officer's supervisor says that his actions were wrong. How do you justify charging this girl for a crime that she would not have committed if the officer had been following the correct procedures. All your other babble about battery of that hulk by that girl is hilarious when one looks at the video.

And finally, they are not just laws if you would attempt enforce them in this situation.


Well-Known Member
Nope. You enjoy watching the black girl assaulted. I've said it in here several times. When emotions get involved, the truth isn't far behind. I appreciate your honesty. Now everyone knows what I've suspected from the start.


Well-Known Member
The first two are infractions or misdemeanors and one can argue whether or not they are appropriate. I'm not going to concede these two but won't argue them right now because you are so wrong about the last three. In any case, a verbal correction, maybe some community service time and go home is all she'd get.

The next three were created when the officer unjustly and unlawfully put his hands on that girl and flipped her to the floor. And oh by the way, she looks pretty much helpless even then. The police officer's supervisor says that his actions were wrong. How do you justify charging this girl for a crime that she would not have committed if the officer had been following the correct procedures. All your other babble about battery of that hulk by that girl is hilarious when one looks at the video.

And finally, they are not just laws if you would attempt enforce them in this situation.
The video is cut. he asked her to leave and at first put his hand on her arm. That is when she started to throw punches.

And there was nothing unlawful about what he was doing until he used excessive force.


Well-Known Member
Nope. You enjoy watching the black girl assaulted. I've said it in here several times. When emotions get involved, the truth isn't far behind. I appreciate your honesty. Now everyone knows what I've suspected from the start.
Yes yes I do. Oh so very much. I'm masturbating to it right now


Well-Known Member
The video is cut. he asked her to leave and at first put his hand on her arm. That is when she started to throw punches.

And there was nothing unlawful about what he was doing until he used excessive force.
I haven't seen that in anything that I've pulled up. Could you post a link?