That's them! Damn they are good, will give it a go. Honey or syrup goes down well with them tooIs that the same as an english muffin? if it is try it with melty PB.
That's them! Damn they are good, will give it a go. Honey or syrup goes down well with them tooIs that the same as an english muffin? if it is try it with melty PB.
mmmmm had one of those while visiting one of my boys up in binghamton, shit was legit. had a buffalozone from adrianos as well up there and it was legit as well. anything buffalo chicken im down.....but i like raping a nice fruit section when im blazed, nothing better then an orange or a mango or kiwisBuffalo Chicken Calzone
DP Dough Buffer Zone holla if ya know what I'm talkin about
those giant kit kat bars are like from heaven!!!I"m actually an anorexic, but I will eat the shit out of some Kit Kat bars when I'm baked!!
food is the shit, drop anorexia and pick up a bowlI"m actually an anorexic, but I will eat the shit out of some Kit Kat bars when I'm baked!!
F'ing delicious!![]()
best frozen burritosYeah, I didnt realize it, but those are all breakfast burritos. I like the actual jalepeno and the beef and been. But it go the point across obviously lol!
I love dominos pasta bowlssss omgggchocolate!!!!!! ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm eating this right now....View attachment 1383619