

Well-Known Member
So according to a leaked pentagon briefing, we're buying some f-35's...but according to stephen an decision hasn't been made yet. Who do you believe? He is going to spend every last fucking dollar this country has to arm us like 'murica....I can't wait for his reign of nastiness to end.
That fighter plane might be 'state of the art'... but so were battleships on the day before Pearl Harbor.

They're already obsolete. Unmanned combat air vehicles have already demonstrated the ability to turn inside a manned aircraft and shoot it down in a dogfight- and there's no other reason for a pilot to be in one anymore.

That means they're almost as wasteful for Canucks to buy as it is for Amuuricuns. After all, Lockheed Martin has already sewn up the $375 BILLION DOLLAR CONTACT, given during a time of PEACE?!

Dwight D. Eisenhower was right. Every fucking word. The current state of America is economic/corporate fascism and the people would rather watch Faux News than think for themselves.
That fighter plane might be 'state of the art'... but so were battleships on the day before Pearl Harbor.

They're already obsolete. Unmanned combat air vehicles have already demonstrated the ability to turn inside a manned aircraft and shoot it down in a dogfight- and there's no other reason for a pilot to be in one anymore.

That means they're almost as wasteful for Canucks to buy as it is for Amuuricuns. After all, Lockheed Martin has already sewn up the $375 BILLION DOLLAR CONTACT, given during a time of PEACE?!

Dwight D. Eisenhower was right. Every fucking word. The current state of America is economic/corporate fascism and the people would rather watch Faux News than think for themselves.

Excellent post.
What's that a-boat? (Had to, lol)

I didn't post the comic to offend anyone, I just enjoy satire.
I'd prefer not to be known as a bunch of war hungry shit disturbing fuck. I don't think that of all Americans. I have American family and they're great people. I'm not stereo typing. But Bush gave the country that label.. I'm proud to live in a country without a shittty Rep.
I think you missed the point of the comic then... my apologies.
I didn't miss the humour..I went out of my way to clearly state that it wasn't my opinion of the states.

I was referring to the shits label that was given due to the bush administration.

Harper is doing the same thing to Canada.
so the on again - off again F35 purchase, is back on? :(
have a feeling Harpler's gonna make sure we get stuck with em even if we end his regime soon.
..such a stupid purchase, in so many ways.

what kind of twilight zone is this though? American news this week; about more states legalizing marijuana.
..Canada's?; buying Warplanes

WTF?!?!? o_O
I'd prefer not to be known as a bunch of war hungry shit disturbing fuck. I don't think that of all Americans. I have American family and they're great people. I'm not stereo typing. But Bush gave the country that label.. I'm proud to live in a country without a shittty Rep.

To preserve that rep, you best be sweeping out the trash, then- starring with the Harpie.