EZ Rider AutoFlower: Help?


Active Member
SO I got this seed free from single seed centre, it was labeled as EZ Rider. Its an autoflower and like most, listed as 60 days from seed to finish. For the first month it was outstanding, a bush however no signs of flowering. My others began to flower and to make a little room I decided to put this one on the back porch. Long story short, it became very tall (26") and started flowering like crazy. Heres the problem. The bottom started getting eatin by bugs and the flowering was paused. I have it inside now, near a window and it wont seem to finish. It is 5 months old, way past autoflower time, and has quite a bit of yellowing. I would say 1/3 of the hairs have a faint browning to them and the plant smells like a fern. Shouldnt this be done?? Can an autoflower time cycle be changed or set back? I always thought that if you messed up you would just yield a lot less, but the time cycle stays the same. The buds look decent, but they just dont look ready. Any suggestions?



Active Member

Make hash, best thing you can do now. You are way past optimum taste time. I have an auto that isn't auto-ing at all, have to throw it into 12/12.

AF's are only good for supplementing outdoors and getting early smoke IMHO.




Active Member
its like 7" by 7". My others are doing real well, ive just never had one that needed to be put 12/12. Theyve always finished perfectly. So no use in drying/smoking it now?