eyes red day after smoking


Well-Known Member
just wondering if your eyes are still blood shot when u wake up the day after smoking.

mine are about once every 10 times i smoke before i go to bed


Active Member
Some people's eyes just get blood shot no matter what on certain days, I can't say I ever got bloodshot a day after I smoke definitely after drinking though and during smoking.


Active Member
iv found that they get red when i close my eyes for like 5 min its so odd lol
Reminds me of when I was a kid I used to close my eyes and look at the sun with my eyes closed, when I opened them a couple minutes later the world would be purple and so would my eyes.


Well-Known Member
My eyes only go bloodshot id say about a third of the time I smoke, this bottle of visine is probably atleast 15 months old haha


Well-Known Member
My eyes goes blood shot depending on how much smoke comes in contact with them which oddly enough I think get me higher.