Eye opener about Obama I did not know about did you?

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
Google this for pages of this....donald young/obama

There are Police reports and so on to shore it up.

The guy is living a lie...


Well-Known Member
haha... oh man you guys never give up do you???

i thought the racist tea party signs were you hitting rock bottom, but i was wrong...


Well-Known Member
You don't need to dig up bullshit stories from 3rd rate people trying to make it in the media spectrum to tell that Obama is full of shit. You just have to compare his campaign promises to his presidential actions.

Larry Sinclair has a 27 year criminal record including fraud and deceit.


New Member
I agree with syncos, why do you need to try to dig more stuff up, theres plenty of dirt already, his reputation is worse the Lorianne Bobbitt.


Well-Known Member
I agree with syncos, why do you need to try to dig more stuff up, theres plenty of dirt already, his reputation is worse the Lorianne Bobbitt.
Lol, if Obama bit a dick off that would probably confirm his being a homosexual


Well-Known Member
Guy Ron Paul never fucked a chicken...it was turtles:lol:
You can google it if you don't believe him...
That is the problem with the internet, what we take as fact and the basis for our info is so fluid and subject to updateing and manipulation.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
You got me there...but I bet that he had to work his way up to turtles...chickens were probably harmed along the way.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Was he a tortoise fucker, and not a turtle fucker as UB had presented? Tortoises are much easier to catch because they are land bound...turtles spend nearly their entire lives in the water...

I picture a head of gray hair with a red bandana tied around the forehead with eyes peaking out just about the water...Ron Paul, knife between his teeth stalking his sexual prey catching some rays of the summer sun on a rock in the middle of a heavily flowing creek...

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
I am not registered to any party rather I am registered Indy... Probably marked as a Terrorist now. But you gotta admit when two homo buddies got killed within a month before his election... then there is the third guy I dismissed as a coincidence. He looks like a gangster. He is nothing more then a house boy. I think he is an utter failure and says what he needs too, other then that big Corps own him.


Well-Known Member
A terrorist for registering independent? Man is this forum filled with persecution complexes and people who assign vast amounts of importance to themselves.

Put your tin foil hat back on, it will all be just fine.

I am not registered to any party rather I am registered Indy... Probably marked as a Terrorist now. But you gotta admit when two homo buddies got killed within a month before his election... then there is the third guy I dismissed as a coincidence. He looks like a gangster. He is nothing more then a house boy. I think he is an utter failure and says what he needs too, other then that big Corps own him.