Extremely tiny buds

james heiler

New Member
I have 5 different autos under 300 watts of CFL bulbs. I have a wide spectrum including 2700k 3000l 3400k 4100k and 5000k all of the plants are 74days in and one is ready for harvest. however all of them looks absolutely beautiful and exceeded my expectations by far besides one. it was a freebie from attitude seeds called ultra violet from samsara seeds. the buds are so tiny on this one plant and looks nothing like what other people have posted about the same exact strain. and I have no idea why. the buds seem to have more trichomes than actual bud. shes in a 5 gallon pot and I don't wanna chop her yet. any thoughts or suggestions



Well-Known Member
Well for one thing a 300w cfl would probably light up 2 autos effectively.

So besides the lack if light as you've been growing 5, I would say phenotype variation among seed stock.

However lighting plays a massive roll in bud size.

I use a 400w and only grow around 4 photo plants. I've maxed out at 5 autos under it.


james heiler

New Member
its also next to a window so it gets natuaral and direct sunlight for 5-6 hours aday plus the other four plants have huge bugs compared to this but I think maybe it could be a little of both in pheno and light

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
Seeds are like Gump's box of chocolate, you never know what you're going to get. Granted, there are some fairly stable breeding lines out there but it's still genetic roulette. That's the good and bad of seeds. The only way to get an exact copy is to clone it.