Extremely Long Stem


Active Member
I have start to grow just for myself and i had these 2 seed that was ok weed but nothing to go crazy about. i put them in a cup/pot with soil in it i watered it a lot and putting in a dark spot thinking they wont grow and this is a waste of time then I looked at them a 5-7 days later and one of them was massive it had a huge stem with a small bud of leaves. I put it out side place something to support the stem almost 100degrees angle and now the leaves have turned green but the bottom of the stem is turning slowly brown and is still skinny i have an old photo but ill update it soon. what should i do is part of the stem a root? should i bury it?



Active Member
I have it in my backyard there is a fence near it so im guessing it had light since 8am to 8pm but the shadow of the fences and trees might get in the way every now and then. I cant buy a light and i dont have a place to put it.

What do you think is going to happen to the stem?


New Member
u can support it with a straw cut vertically and wrapped around or tie it to a stick dont bury it till it stands up right

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I had the same problem. It's a lighting deficiency. I buried the stems, hardened them off, then put em in direct sun. 18/20 survived and now are doing ok.


Well-Known Member
Bury it right up to the bottom leaves... and water once every 3-4 days.... don't get too close with lights till second set of fan leaves show, I give just sun for the 1st couple of days.. then it should be put closer to lights, and get a fan on it to strengthen stem...... Two things kills seedlings fast, too much water/and nutes, I don't nute till 1 month in... Luck...