Extreme Heat

fat geezy

I am growing in an attic, this summer is extremely hot in where i leave, and it killed 5 out of 9 plants I had, 2 are doing some what ok, other two almost dead. 2 plants that are almost dead got mostly yellow leaves for exception of lower branches and buds are some what green. should i try to salvage lower branches and cut down majority of a dry plant or wait and see what happens. I was going to grow twice from the same roots because my clones died too, so I need to save as many plants as I can. Any advice would be great. Fuck that heat.


Well-Known Member
Obviously control the heat or it will continue to fail.

Slightly more crazy ideas would be clone the ones that do well in the heat and hope they produce results, that said you are having problems cloning.

Is the heat with the lights on or constant all day due to the wether? Reduce the lights or switch to cooler flourescents maybe. Just depends on your situation. Peace

Gary Busey

New Member
I tried growing in an attic before. Heat management is the worse in those situations. Especially in the summers.

Really all you can do is see about getting an a/c up there, or moving the plants to a cooler part of the house, maybe a closet, then vent into the attic.


Active Member
You HAVE to have A/C for an attic grow in the summer. A portable A/C unit, fans and a grow room insulated to beat hell will make it possible but still difficult to be successful. Also, besides fans inside your grow room, you need a strong fan in a gable vent to pull heat out of the attic. Stick-build the grow room, and then insulate it being sure to make it as airtight as possible. You basically have to build a room within a room to be successful. Make sure to run your lights at night ... say on at 6pm off by noon for an 18/6 veg cycle or on at 6pm off at 6am for flower cycle. Or, maybe try growing 12/12 from seed ... less lighting, less heat. That being said, if you are having continuous 90-100 degree days and nights that don't cool off ... you probably will never get ahead of it because it will be 120+ in the attic.

Lastly, (and this depends on where you live and how close to other homes) if you are able to eliminate using a carbon filter for your exhaust and vent directly to a roof vent, you can move a greater amount of air through the room. This will help tremendously in you efforts to cool the room.

You are gonna run into the reverse in winter if it gets cold where you live, so start thinking about that scenerio now. The more airtight and insulated the grow room, the better chance of success. I'm not pulling these suggestions out of my ass ... I have experience in this.


Well-Known Member
I blew a breaker in one of my rooms yesterday and when I went in it was 110 degrees, and let me tell you it was fucking HOT, luckily it wasn't for that long so it didn't harm the plants

fat geezy

I leave in extremely populated area can not get rid of my carbon filter, considered idea with portable air conditioning, but it suppose to blow hot air outside(smell will get out.) Probably flipping lights to night is what i'm going to try, but it does not cool of much at night. Taking clones sounds good but can I if plants are 3 weeks in to flowering? Will changing timer from nights days should not effect my plants to much?


Well-Known Member
you can take clones that far into flowering but it's gonna take a bit to revegg, and i'm thinkin you could put the carbon filter on the outlet part of the ac without a problem, might take a few different fittings but completely possible