Extreme Flowering Under Pair of Timber 48SAMS

Dialed in, super happy. Man you are maxing the environment :blsmoke:

defol...Cleaned them nicely! Those ssh are gonna be glorious....ssh/jack herer are my fav strains for sure.

Beautiful grow :leaf:

Thanks man, these girls are photosynthesizing like their sun’s about to nova, looks like defol will be continuing for some time to come. I think the emerson boards have shifted plants to overdrive. We’ll see.
Hey Dan,

How come all your quantum board kits and fixtures have been removed from Website?

Hlg get pissed off, and shut you down?

If so, a major loss to grower community! Competition is good for everyone, brings out the best ideas and product selection.

I was hoping that both companies were doing some kind of coopetition: timber really offers unique value in customizing the hlg boards that hlg can't or doesn't want to do.

Fuckin sucks that companies can be so stupid. Qbs are poised to kill off other growlights, expanding market raises all boats!

Let us know...
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****WARNING: DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT DOING THIS...unless you’re a risktaking dumbass like me WARNING****

Day 25: Sinead O’Connor day at the movies...



Back Diesel:

Front Diesel:


Back Haze:

Front Haze:

Can’t get much balder than this!

Ppfd ~ 1100 at tallest tip under each fixture; all other controlled variables in range.
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Nice set of strippers :bigjoint:

They look perfect to me, I’ll be doing the same on my 2nd op, light looks available all throughout, impressive.

Og wondering why no scrog net, no need?
Is the ssh still stretching ?

I hope hlg didnt have anything to do with the absence of qbs on timbers site, uggh ridiculous
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Nice set of strippers :bigjoint:

They look perfect to me, I’ll be doing the same on my 2nd op, light looks available all throughout, impressive.

Og wondering why no scrog net, no need?
Is the ssh still stretching ?

I hope hlg didnt have anything to do with the absence of qbs on timbers site, uggh ridiculous

Thanks, pics make it look thicker than in-person, so many laterals. Only 1-2 pairs of fans per budsite/cola.

I hate scrog, too much fucking work on top of my usual time commitment, can’t reposition, don’t need it for what i do.

I’m not doing it this time, but i get 1/2lb per plant, under blurples, doing manifold and training as my normal tech, that i call swirled screenless scroglines. Basically, training tips down and around to take advantage of apical dominance, without a screen.

You’re looking at 17+ oz, well-trimmed and dry.

I think ssh mains are done “stretch”, colas will elongate as they stack.

My guess is hlg took/threatened legal action. Timber used Hlg bds, customized which hlg couldn’t/wouldn’t do, and then priced below hlg...hope not, but’s my guess.
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Amazing scrog, is that the c99 ???

Agreed scrog is so much work, more so on defol because they become soooo bushy

Lots of ideas for next my round in dwc, id love to grow large single cola plants in a sog, maybe 8....depending on genetics

p.s. Concerned about not getting enuff ppfd down into all those mid-plant budsites on the 4 footer, gave in and began doing my world-famous swirled screenless scrogline routine (lol). Not much room, so my clumsiness will probably result in some damage when rotating...tradeoffs, cant live with em, can’t live w/o em.


Also lets me lower the front haze a little.


Girls whispering, “back off on the ec”...


With all the defol, ec 2.6 will be diluted back to 2.4 until they start sucking down nutes faster than water.
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Are both the haze ssh -just different phenos? Bet that tall vibrant sexy one gonna potent and yur best one.

Are they still stretching? Looks like you’ve got plenty of room to work with. Exciting!
Are both the haze ssh -just different phenos? Bet that tall vibrant sexy one gonna potent and yur best one.

Are they still stretching? Looks like you’ve got plenty of room to work with. Exciting!


Could be separate phenos, my bet is, it’s just due to diff 12:12 heights (front one was strongest of all 4 seedlings, developed stem rot, recovered well from re-rooting, but wasn’t at same ht as other haze). They’ll both be potent under these grow conditions, the strain is stable and is a major, multiple cannabis cup winner.

Stretch is done, except for normal mid- to late-flowering growth. When you see the big white pistil ball on the tip, major cell division from stretch phase has ended, cell elongation may still be going on for a few more days, but “stretch” is essentially over.

I don’t have any more horizontal room, w/o stealing light from other plants.

Yes i do have 9’ tent, but it is poorly designed; requiring unzipping first 2’ extension to be unzipped from back side of tent instead of above front door (back side had to be placed against a wall in my grow room). This is a fucking $500-600 gorilla tent! Fucking pos in my book!

Top 1’ section is an even worse design clusterfuck!

Major deal to raise the delicate hlg emerson boards higher, so my 9’ tent is effectively a 6-7 footer, with most of the top 1’ wasted with fan/filter.

Had two 2.2 meter qube tents ordered from UK (great tents, 1/2 price of gorrillas), then fuckhead trump put in the tarriffs, which screwed up the us/uk customs and logistics processes, had to cancel order to keep this already delayed grow on sched before holidays.

Whole tent situation has me pissed, can u tell?
I have the pos gorilla as my flower tent also, tho its only a 2x4 with the top extensions also, seriously a pain in the ass.and.......still light leaks i had to seal. My cheap veg tents are just as good and easier to open and access
I have the pos gorilla as my flower tent also, tho its only a 2x4 with the top extensions also, seriously a pain in the ass.and.......still light leaks i had to seal. My cheap veg tents are just as good and easier to open and access

When i turn off the lights, the milkyway lights up, total pos. Plenty of $100-200 6’ tents out there that are way better, in a number of ways.

Can’t understand why the others don’t take on gorilla w taller tents.
I believe thats why i chose it, yeah they do offer taller tents.....luv the height. but who tf designed them lol. I could have had 3 reg tents for the price of this one.
I believe thats why i chose it, yeah they do offer taller tents.....luv the height. but who tf designed them lol. I could have had 3 reg tents for the price of this one.

Buddy of mine says its the same guys who make superclosets and kind lights. I can confirm superclosets are total ripoff, kinds, tho, (and you aren’t allowed to say so on this site) did me well.
Day 28 of ~84 (imo 1st wk was wasted, really closer to day 21):

Don’t have time to do pic comparison here, but worthwhile to go back to 9/11 and compare to today - plants have big change (foliage & pistil balls), especially with a full defol in between! I attribute this change primarily to emerson boards and far red initiator.


A4562EC2-7A18-42BB-9C85-B4C3EA56CB0E.jpeg 34D5CA71-3EE6-47C6-8898-169D91986E13.jpeg 964F904F-E356-480B-978A-45B594C71F58.jpeg

2744F34B-F5B3-4CFD-8ED4-229A61F71096.jpeg B45CEBF3-BF30-45D4-B1C3-03D8576C4AE5.jpeg D1E7DAAD-5A1D-4675-8421-24EC28636163.jpeg

Ppfd ~1000 at tallest tips, giving up on Chandra’s “optimum ppfd” (1500, may work for 30 mins, but not 12hrs, at least on these strains).

Added 2ml/gal calmag on diesels. All other controlled variables in range.
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