been looking into making myself a proper little grow room at of a wardrobe, only looking for it to hold 2-3 plants but was wondering about the fans. I've been looking online for them and the whole kit costs about £100 which seems alot, and thats on a hydroponics website, but looking at others like just regular bathroom extractor fans and they are a lot cheaper, and i'm guessing not as effective. THey also dont come with all the ducting and all of that. Was just wondering though, since its only going to be a regular size wardrobe could i not just stick an extractor fan at the top with no ducting (would have to figure out something to stop light comin in) and just have a hole at the bottom. Has anyone done this, do you think it would be enough ventilation.
edit: i'm only using 250 watt hps at the moment so heat shouldn't be much of a problem but am thinking of stepping it up to 400
edit: i'm only using 250 watt hps at the moment so heat shouldn't be much of a problem but am thinking of stepping it up to 400