@gb123 I am glad to hear!
@Freedom seed I have never even seen home-made hash or kief... Sounds nice!
Got the tCheck now, and it works a charm!
Seems the recipe of 100g. dry weed per litre oil in a 2 hour ~105°C-110°C crock-pot, gives about a 1:1 THC ratio so to speak.
That is, a strain I measure to ~16% THC gives a ~16% THC ratio in the finished oil.
The oil yield should be about 85-90%, but with my small tests I only got about 70% loosing quite a lot in the filtering.
(Btw. Saw a tip for capturing the leftovers washing the gear with the same bottle of alcohol over and over)
-Quite an amazing yield isn't it!
The guy with the recipe said he does 1,5ml. a day? (about 40 drops) Me and my lady haven't got further then about half of that...
Sleeps like a child, a bit of hangover in the morning, and good results though!
I have quite less joint pain, but what is really gladly is that my lady, that have severe nerve damage after chemo, radiation, and breast removal and reconstructing, experience a maybe 80% loss of those pains and cramps! -And not least gaining sleep!

-She did notice a major improvement already using CBD-oil with no THC btw.!
The tCheck cannot give me other then the dominant compound content, and I am still waiting for ordered concentrates from hemp. Haven't got hold of pure CBD strains yet..
My idea is to be able to make an oil with a quite controlled content with lab tested concentrates, and/or with different strains.
Also thinking I might do 2-3 different types concerning different terpenes and cannabinoid ratios. With the help of the tCheck hopefully being able to do batches quite evenly! to help people in my surroundings!