Extraction methods. Need help and explanations.


Hi all! Thank you for the forum! :-)

First to introduce myself, I have been a lifelong hash-smoker, but gave that up many years ago... So smoking isn't why I found my way here.
I live in Norway where insight about cannabis is about zero, and people still think its mostly the same as Heroin… (Thank you UN…)
Here we are not even allowed to grow industrial Hemp, and people are still held in the dark about what happened in the US in the early 1900's, and the REAL benefit of this plant and its estimated 50 000 different uses...
Due to changes with cannabis laws elsewhere in the world, and that the enormous CBD-business have even reached our borders, it IS getting a bit more "possible" to talk about cannabis though! YEY! As it seems to be everywhere, it is still all about medical use though, and our government seems completely in the leash of the pharmaceutical industry, but still a step in the right direction! :)

-For myself and my closest surrounding, the big thing is this CBD-boom has led to that I can finally talk with my family about this amazing plant! and I have high hopes this could actually help my loved ones with serious medical problems!!
Their interest for cannabis as medical drug has certainly gain interest due to the talk about those "close to legal" CBD products from hemp! And I am eager to follow up on this with "the real deal"! :-)

I still now little about medical use, as I said I have only been a "recreational smoker" all my life, but lately I have been reading about it quite a lot, and I understand that "modern science" insight about our endocannabinoid system is actually quite new knowledge.
Reading about it, it seems quite clear that it is the complete interaction of ALL parts of the plant that makes miracles though. And even if science cannot explain it all, it seems quite clear that its this ENTOURAGE-EFFECT we want to grasp for medical use!
To me this also makes sense in the matter of it all being "an act of balancing"!... ;)

So, I have been seeing this Canadian guy Rick Simpson doing an amazing job fighting community with what I understand only small amounts of knowledge, but with believes and proof that people really can get amazing results just by ingesting raw oil! With cannabis probably being around for the life of all mankind, of course this guy does not provide us with any big news, but I understand the main point of his, is to proof that it IS available for everyone. (Also Canada for a fact actually have changed their laws lately!..)

Trying to find extracted oil, and to get a better understanding of extraction methods pros and cons, I find it hard to grasp what really is the best way to extract cannabis for medical use?… Most all information is all about cannabis as a recreational drug and extraction is meant for smoking and vaping, and then is of course all about flavours, taste and function.
And when the big companies talk about their medical drugs it all seems to be about extracting clean components, and then putting a few of those components together in exact measurements in a lab…

This seem quite poor when we know that the plant produces way over 100 different cannabinoids! Plus all other components (that I neither know nothing about….)

I like that RSO in the matter of taking the plant for what it is! And when it comes to eating half a grain oil three times a day, I really do not care about neither what it tastes or how I looks!!... But of course, I am not into digesting naphtha! And I do not want to lose important ingredients due to shortcuts! So when people tells this is really not a good way of extraction, I want to learn more about other ways!

So I read that another way better method is this simple QWISO method, that with a much more clean approach collect more or less the same amount of trichomes! -But then this also seem to be the ONLY purpose with QWISO? Or am I wrong?..

I did find an article with the interesting olive oil extraction method, that seem to be very gentle and might give exactly what we are looking for to be a medical decoction?. But then again it might not be much of an extraction?...

I am also thinking It might be beneficial to combine different methods. E.g. extracting (or buying) "pure" THC oil for example with the qwiso method, and mixing it with "pure" CBD oil from hemp, with all the other cannabinoids and stuff?

Also, I understand decarbing does cost the loss of terpenes, so I am thinking you could also get that part back in the game by combining two ore more kind of oils?...

As you understand I am a complete noob about this, so any help about what the recommended approach for making oil for pure medical use is very appreciated!
I am quite convinced we should NOT look away from the ENTOURAGE-EFFECT though!...

I'll try to add an interesting lab-test .pdf article I have found comparing extraction methods.
Any comments are appreciated.

Thank you!

Ps. As a noob I found most links in the newbie 101 are dead...

Edited some bad English spelling and such...


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Youve said a lot, but im not really sure what bigger questions youre asking directly or what youre trying to do or looking for.

Solvents, heat, and pressure are how things are extracted. Each way will produce a different final product. There's a lot of processing involved with most solvent extractions.
Most things ive seen at dispensaries in the US, even on the medical side, tend to focus on just THC content and you lose a lof of other content. Their focus is primarily to get you high.
There are plenty of way to get a full spectrum extraction.
Thanks for answering @fragileassassin

Yes I know... Lot of text... And sorry for bad english... :p

The solvent processing I have read about doing QWISO and RSO seems easy enough? But as I said I believe pure THC focus isn't what medical oil should be about. That is what I have tried to explain...
I want to know about DIY extraction methods for to keep as much of the plants natural powers as possible. Full spectrum as you say.
I understand different methods include loosing different substances, that is why I am thinking of combining products..
Does what I say make any sense?...

Please tell me where to find those different full spectrum extraction methods!

Thank you.
Thanks for answering @fragileassassin

Yes I know... Lot of text... And sorry for bad english... :p

The solvent processing I have read about doing QWISO and RSO seems easy enough? But as I said I believe pure THC focus isn't what medical oil should be about. That is what I have tried to explain...
I want to know about DIY extraction methods for to keep as much of the plants natural powers as possible. Full spectrum as you say.
I understand different methods include loosing different substances, that is why I am thinking of combining products..
Does what I say make any sense?...

Please tell me where to find those different full spectrum extraction methods!

Thank you.
The easiest and safest ways to do it at home would to be use a high proof alcohol like everclear and make an ingestible extract like the RSO. If you use alcohol, eat it or take it as a pill dont smoke it.
Using a heated press to make rosin would be your go to for a smokable extraction.
If you want to cook with it and make edibles you can do oil extractions with stuff like coconut oil, butter, or olive oil like you said. I usually go for the coconut oil. This is as simple as hearing the flower and oil mixture at the proper temperature for the right amount of time. I have done this method with vegetable glycerin to use to make normal vape juice. It was a royal pain, but it worked. They make machines and special pots you can use on the stove that will make oil/butter extractions very straight forward.

Anything that isnt going to be smoked, should be decarbed before making the extraction. Heat is a necessary evil. You will burn some off yes, though if you do it properly it is minimal, but if you dont decarb you wont get the full effect of your extracts if you dont heat them or bake with them after.

Most of the solvent methods need special equipment like vacuum pumps and are illegal to do at home in some places. In my state, it is illegal to make extracts at home with ANY flammable solvent. Alcohol is even a flammable solvent so I technically wouldn't even be allowed to make rso at home.

I built a little diy heat press out of a $40 arbor press and a hair straightener that worked quite well. You can make a pretty nice hydraulic heated press for a few hundred dollars.
Ok. thanks.

Smoking is not in question. Probably did not clear that out.
Neither edibles. It is not intent to be fun... ha ha ha... :p

I want to make a pure medicine, and taste and looks is not important.
Of course making pills or capsules is a nice touch! -Then they have to be "weak" enough too, so I have been thinking an oil-mixed extract might not be all disadvantages...
Using oil instead of alcohol is absolutely of interest! -And I have read coconut oil have other usable "features"..

Nothing about this is legal where I live anyway, and IPA is quite easy and not too expensive to get hold on.

Yes I am aware of the need to decarb for the THC to "switch", and therefore thinking of combining oils that is not heated that high.

I have to look into what you mean about pressing process...

You have all to excuse my ignorance. But mostly I wondered why I read at this forum that "everyone" disapproves that RSO method?
I understand that this is not how you make nice oil to smoke, but that was never the intention either!
I also understand long soaking time release chlorophyll and maybe other stuff that is not of interest when you want a nice tasting oil.
But when it has nothing to do with taste or looks, only to harvest the most of this plant to make a medical extract!??...

It has to do with the boiling then? And/or boiling time? To me this seem quite more harsh to the material then just decarbing dry buds in the oven. Is this what the protests are about?
On the other hand I do not quite understand if a 5 minutes frozen wash could get anything but tricoids off the plant?

Could someone explain why this RSO is such a big NO-NO?...

And on the other hand please explain what the benefit might be! (except the purpose of making it available to the masses)
(How could this boiling alcohol thing be considered more easy and safe for anyone then QWISO btw??)

Sorry to bump.
I'll try to ask once more for some explanation, or some tip where to read further.

(Just to mention, I have read about the Holy Anointing Oil and the Holy Shit, and that really looks interesting! Thank you for telling!) :)

I have also read from several what I understand highly knowledgeable members here that RSO is a big no-no, but I haven't quite figured out WHY?
In one of the threads here I have picked up following statements:

@qwizoking say:
If cannabinoids are the "medicine" why would you not only want to evaporate the terpenes but severely dilute this medicine
Go buy a bottle of chlorophyll if you feel that will help you..
If your wanting cannabis for medical purposes..you would want cannabinoids terpenes esters etc that all carry over benefits. These are what makes our plant special.
Or you can destroy them through pyrolisis denaturing sensitive terps to shit...
Idk maybe you don't want cannabinoids....I for one prefer a high concentration for my medical use
I use fresh frozen retaining all that is good....
Now these compounds don't like heat light oxygen chlorine etc.. and will break down quite quickly using ricks suggested methods..he does openly admit that he has no scientific background..
We do not condone his practices here
Rso is made by someone who has no idea what he's doing, that's why he started out with this method and even suggesting dangerous practices
Qwiso is an extremely simple process and not in including the freeze beforehand or the evaporation afterwords takes less than 5 minutes to make. And yes will have the same or rather more medicinal benefits than rso

I also understand the member @Fadedawg have had discussions with Rick Simpson about his methods, but I have yet to clear out what it is about?..
One statement of his is:
The primary reason for extracting fresh frozen material, is to retain the material in carboxylic acid form, and to retain more of the aromatic monoterpenes. Important for material primarily used for vaporizing.
If you are going to ingest it orally, you will most likely be decarboxylating it anyway, which will also cost you the monoterpenes, so I would extract dry material, because it takes less runs for the same amount of oil.
QK made the point that when you extract and concentrate the diterpene cannabinoids, you do the same thing to the mono and sesquiterpenes, so it starts out more pungent than the original material.
It may or may not be suitable leaving it in that condition, depending on the terpenes present, because some of the terpenes also add harshness and aren't tasty in heavy concentration.
Fine artisan vaporizing material to me, has just the right mono and sesquiterpene levels to capture the fragrance, taste great, and be smooth to vaporize.
I prefer my vaporizing oil heady, because I can take care of the rest of my symptoms with sublingual oils more effectively, so I prefer young Sativas handled gingerly and left in shatter form.
The point was also made that you can turn chicken salad into chicken shit by poor techniques, which include leaving Naphtha in RSO oil. If it tastes or smells off, I recommend that you not use it.

I know to little about those components, but do I understand it correct that this is all about taste in the matter of smoke or vape?
Even I understand about not wanting to eat naphtha, but using IPA and boil it all away wouldn't leave any residues, would it?
Maybe you, or anybody else, could please point me in the direction of sorting this out. -What methods is preferable and why?.

Am I dead wrong aiming at finding the (or those) most "complete" extraction methods gaining most possible plant components for Entourage effect?
When I do NOT want to smoke or vape anything, I do not understand why putting taste and looks into the picture??...

IF this boiling alcohol method is totally unacceptable in every means, I just wanted to know WHY?

IF this frozen QWISO method really is everything you need to get the full benefit from the whole plant, I also want to get that explained. To my ignorance it seems quite impossible to compare this two methods!?

Sorry that I probably stink trying to explain my thoughts in English... :p

The fish trap exists because of the fish, and as long as you get the fish, the design of the trap is of less importantance.

The word RSO has been expanded from its original meaning. Rick Simpson originally extracted his oil using Naphtha, which is the NO NO, because it may contain Benzene. You can do that same extraction with other non polar solvents like Butane, Pentane, Hexane, or Heptane.

Hexane is typically avoided because our livers turn it into 2.5 Hexane Dione, which is a carcinogen, leaving Butane, Pentane, or Heptane.

You can also extract the essential oils using Ethanol or Isopropanol. The key is to purge the remaining solvent below levels of concern, which are outlined in the attached FDA standard.


Thanks for answering @fragileassassin

Yes I know... Lot of text... And sorry for bad english... :p

The solvent processing I have read about doing QWISO and RSO seems easy enough? But as I said I believe pure THC focus isn't what medical oil should be about. That is what I have tried to explain...
I want to know about DIY extraction methods for to keep as much of the plants natural powers as possible. Full spectrum as you say.
I understand different methods include loosing different substances, that is why I am thinking of combining products..
Does what I say make any sense?...

Please tell me where to find those different full spectrum extraction methods!

Thank you.
Get a press?
@Fadedawg Thank you for getting back to me!
Yes I understand about Naphta and the difference to IPA. Thank you for the FDA guide!

I am still as blanc considering what method cleans the ocean for ALL fish though?
As I said I understand the Entourage effect is of essence for an "all round" drug. And not being either a scientist or doctor, I interpret this as I might as well try to harvest as much as practical possible from this plant!?

As you have this large medical forum, I thought this was of absolute essence for anyone in here???
I am obviously missing something!? :?::?:

As none of you guys this far is mentioning QWISO. Could I assume this is NOT catching all the fish?
Otherwise I really like the simplicity and cleanliness of the method!

@Sfrigon 1 and @fragileassassin I thank you for pointing at pressing rosin! Never done that either, and It seems extremely clean and tasteful! :)
It looks like you could expect to yield about half the weight comparing to QWISO though?
I do not know how yield compares with boiling ISO?

Also do not know about comparing the outcome considering the total of substances?

Again, I am asking all in the favour of harvesting medicine! Not only beautiful smokes...
Whatever u put in u will get out in theory. I have a press that I squeeze all my popcorn nugs w. And it also give me a chance to use up my trim . And in my opinion smoking rosin is the safest and best form of concentrate. Very similar high as smoking a j , which is what I desire
Thank you guys.
I am digging into this rosin thing! :weed:

@taint I guess the "solved issue" you refer to is mostly about the handling? -and of course getting rid of distasteful chlorophyll and waxes. Or are there other considerations you are thinking of?
I appreciate you say pressing is a game changer! I'd like to know more what really is in the rosin?
-Any comparing lab reports to find somewhere?

I found an old thread where @Fadedawg say:
To dispel any personal biases, opinions, or secondary motives from the formula, I extracted one lot of Blue Dream using five different solvents, including Naphtha. I ran GC analysis in our own lab, and turned the samples over to a third party full blown analytical lab for testing, to show what the different solvents extract from the same material. More on that, when the lab sends the results.

But I haven't found any test results? This is of course highly interesting!
(This was written in 2013!)

Studying rosin pressing a bit more, it seems you could actually get as good or even better yield as with IPA extracting!
And the process seems fairly easy! Press I have in my workshop! And for just a couple of minutes pressing time I would guess just pre-heating a couple of thick iron pieces would do the trick!? :p
But I guess pressing @ ca.100°C/220°F is not considered decarbing? Are you doing that in the oven? Or on a plate? -Maybe in combination with oil-mixing?...

And I guess the residues makes a nice butter or something else oil/fat extracted stuff!... -Then you would in the end be digesting more or less the whole plant without no chemicals or explosives! YEY! :D
Seems more and more appealing thinking about it! :peace:

@Sfrigon 1 -I here I here!.. Can't quite believe my lungs haven't collapsed of all kilos of hashish I have smoked in my earlier days... God knows how much plastic and other garbage that has been mixed with... :o
To day I do not want to smoke anything! Except maybe a piece of salmon... :p

About pressing. The only ~100my. bags I can think of here, is the one used in aquariums. I do not know if they are to thick?
Is this bag needed. Would e.g. a coffee filter do the trick of avoiding large material pieces?
(Again, this is solely for eating, so I guess it would be mixed with oil and used with a pipette)


Knowing is half the fun............beware this rabbit hole.
High orre

Here in Canada we now have legal pot but the new laws that came with Prohibition 2.0 now have a penalty of 14 years in prison for making concentrates with 'organic' solvents. Cooking with oils like coconut, olive etc are fine tho and I have my method in the link in my signature. I makes a whole plant extract and should preserve the terpenes etc that can be lost with other processing methods.

I am defying the law by making RSO for my wife to help with liver tumours but use the cocobudder with high CBD pot for my arthritis to good effect. Tinctures are a good way to make extracts but then the pot needs to be decarbed before it's added to alcohol and unless care is taken the terpenes, esters and other low boiling point components of the pot are lost during that process. I did just decarb an oz of bud in the oven for making RSO but sealed the pot up in tinfoil with a temperature probe in the centre of the pot to make sure it was evenly heated to 250F for 30 min then allowed to cool slowly in the oven before removing and soaking in ISO. Special sealed containers can be bought to do the decarb too.

Tell your gov't to get with the program and make cannabis legal so your people can enjoy the benefits without fear of reprisal.

@taint Yes it is fascinating stuff! ;) I have seen those different heating plates thank you! Easy to make too.
In small scale I believe I could heat some steel quite a few times before wanting to spend that kind of money though... :p

@OldMedUser Hi! And thanks for the howto!
Strange and harsh rules when legalization is finally there! But I must say I am jealous of the access over there! Buying an oz of good buds is at least cad. 6-10 000!!... :o -F_ck, farmers are not even allowed to grow THC-free industry-hemp here yet!!... :(

I am just trying to get hold of some THC oil now to get started medicating my misses too. Finally! after many, many years of really painful sickness (she is among other a recovering cancer patient) we have just now came to the point that we can talk about cannabis here at home, and I am SO exited, and eager to the possibility to give her some relief!!... I will grow a few plants my self, hoping to get self-sufficing. But I would love to find a grower or dealer that could provide so I can make oil to help more people! -We all have friends and relatives that suffer!...
(I have read many of your posts here before @OldMedUser . Would it be rued of me to ask for some guiding via PM?)

@tslonige Thank you for the clip! "Do NOT freeze the heating plate and distiller" ha ha ha ha... :clap:
I can see it is a "PhoenixTears" (Rick Simpson) film, so they are obviously not only promoting Naphtha!... Surprises me it is published already 2012!?...

-Another thought about pressing:
If I press out rosin, and only decarb that, and then simmer the rest of the material in oil for a few hours, it seems to me I would have a quite potent oil, and the possibility to put a desired amount of the rosin, with THC and CBD back in the oil, without overheating the oil and loosing terpenes.
Does this make sense?
Actually, looking at the lab test from different methods (att. to my first post) oil extraction seem to give the most yield of all measured substances!...
(They are comparing Naphtha, Ether, Ethanol and Olive oil extraction)

Would really love to see the outcome of @Fadedawg test rapports!... ;)

@Fadedawg Thank you for getting back to me!
Yes I understand about Naphta and the difference to IPA. Thank you for the FDA guide!

I am still as blanc considering what method cleans the ocean for ALL fish though?
As I said I understand the Entourage effect is of essence for an "all round" drug. And not being either a scientist or doctor, I interpret this as I might as well try to harvest as much as practical possible from this plant!?

As you have this large medical forum, I thought this was of absolute essence for anyone in here???
I am obviously missing something!? :?::?:

As none of you guys this far is mentioning QWISO. Could I assume this is NOT catching all the fish?
Otherwise I really like the simplicity and cleanliness of the method!

@Sfrigon 1 and @fragileassassin I thank you for pointing at pressing rosin! Never done that either, and It seems extremely clean and tasteful! :)
It looks like you could expect to yield about half the weight comparing to QWISO though?
I do not know how yield compares with boiling ISO?

Also do not know about comparing the outcome considering the total of substances?

Again, I am asking all in the favour of harvesting medicine! Not only beautiful smokes...

You are making it too complicated. The terpenes and terpenoids in question are all soluble in all those solvents and how easy it is to purge, is more important than which one extracts the targeted constituents.

Consider that those targeted elements are located in the trichome heads. After extraction with any of the solvents I listed, the trichome heads are gone. If they didn't go into solution, where did they go? Do you not have all the fish in solution?

We've supplied Holy Anointing Oil and Holy Shit to multiple patient, made from either Alkanes or Ethanol, and they both work. Look at how Rick Simpson extracted and purged, including one technique with Isopropyl, and his RSO worked as well.

I personally don't use Iso because purging is not as critical with Ethanol, and around 90% of medications that we supplied were extracted using closed loop BHO, with the other 10% Ethanol. We didn't see any difference in efficiency or effect.

Actually, producing pristine museum quality dabbing concentrates, is far more complicated than simply extracting the raw essential oil from cannabis and formulating it as a medicine, because of the concerted effort to not extract plant waxes and molecules longer than C-22, as well as to preserve all the mono and sesquiterpenes. Rick did RSO with a barrel of Naptha from the local heating supply store, and a rice cooker for purging. Take a look at the current equipment in use for recreational extractions.
Thank you guys.
I am digging into this rosin thing! :weed:

@taint I guess the "solved issue" you refer to is mostly about the handling? -and of course getting rid of distasteful chlorophyll and waxes. Or are there other considerations you are thinking of?
I appreciate you say pressing is a game changer! I'd like to know more what really is in the rosin?
-Any comparing lab reports to find somewhere?

I found an old thread where @Fadedawg say:

But I haven't found any test results? This is of course highly interesting!
(This was written in 2013!)

Studying rosin pressing a bit more, it seems you could actually get as good or even better yield as with IPA extracting!
And the process seems fairly easy! Press I have in my workshop! And for just a couple of minutes pressing time I would guess just pre-heating a couple of thick iron pieces would do the trick!? :p
But I guess pressing @ ca.100°C/220°F is not considered decarbing? Are you doing that in the oven? Or on a plate? -Maybe in combination with oil-mixing?...

And I guess the residues makes a nice butter or something else oil/fat extracted stuff!... -Then you would in the end be digesting more or less the whole plant without no chemicals or explosives! YEY! :D
Seems more and more appealing thinking about it! :peace:

@Sfrigon 1 -I here I here!.. Can't quite believe my lungs haven't collapsed of all kilos of hashish I have smoked in my earlier days... God knows how much plastic and other garbage that has been mixed with... :o
To day I do not want to smoke anything! Except maybe a piece of salmon... :p

About pressing. The only ~100my. bags I can think of here, is the one used in aquariums. I do not know if they are to thick?
Is this bag needed. Would e.g. a coffee filter do the trick of avoiding large material pieces?
(Again, this is solely for eating, so I guess it would be mixed with oil and used with a pipette)


The backup lab lost the samples and never came through, but our own GC showed minor differences and my reason for sending it out was for corroboration.
@Fadedawg Thank you very much bothering to educate a noob on the other side of the planet!
I am really grateful and humble that you want to share your knowledge! If it doesn't seem that way I have to blame language... :p :peace:

So you are saying the simple answer to all my questions is that ALL components of matter is all in the Trichomes! and do not bother look further??...

This is what I have tried to figure out all along, what this post is all about, and why I keep nagging about the ECS and Entourage effect!...
To me, this form of thinking "balance" and "synergy" does make perfect sense! (And I believe a 5000 year old Chinese medicine man wouldn't be too impressed..)
Now with NO knowledge for either medicine or bioscience, my simple brain have interpret this as probably ALL part of the plant would carry substances, that might ALL be contributing in a way!
-Even if the modern science cannot see or prove it to day!...

With this idea of it all, I must say I haven't even considered that harvesting Trichomes only, could be even half the truth!?... :roll:
My only real experience is from smoking hashish at a daily bases for at least 25 years, but I have never considered it to be medicine!... :p

Yes I have understood that Rick Simpson's main interest was harvesting THC! But to me, crushing and boiling all the plant material for hours seemed to be a way of getting more out of the plant! (even if not understood or spoken of) -Yes of course a preconceived opinion...

@Fadedawg Sorry if I should have known about this, but when you say "We've supplied Holy Anointing Oil and Holy Shit to multiple patient......", I get the impression that you have studied the medical side of cannabis quite a bit!?
I would love if you can point me in the direction of where to get some more true understanding in this field!!

Yes of course I see the "recreational" side of things is far more advanced! But so it is with just about anything in this world!..
-I might be uncomfortable to even start my motorcycle, because of that missing "nice thing", that someone else will never even see the difference if it's there or not... This doesn't necessary say anything about the NEED for the "thing"... :p

Absolutely no disrespect intended! I just try to explain my thinking.

Do you also consider NOT decarbing parts of a decoction to be overkill? (e.g. like mentioned above both pressing and oil-extracting) I am reading terpenes might have grate value, but will get lost over certain temperature!...
My plan to get going as soon as possible, was to use the Hemp-CBD-oil we have bought close to legal, and spice it up with THC. -But if it is that easy to gain the potent ingredients myself without buying CBD-oil, of course that is much more interesting!
(Problem is to get started before having any plants of my own, as the cannabis prices here are totally off the roof!) :(

I am just thinking, with intent of using this fascinating plant by means of give relieve and even the possibility to cure people in pain, I do not want to pull half the possible remedy out the drain!!
I am reading there might be something like 500? chemicals and close to 150? different cannabinoids!!!.... :o
I beleive this might not be only the Trichomes!?... But again, hwo knows of the value?.......

I am sorry you lost those lab reports!
Looking at the one I added to the first post here, it doesn't seem one should ignore the value of different methods though....
I understand you have given me some cleaner alternatives, but I still find it fascinating!
I would love some comments to it! ;)
