You dont have to take my word for it.Examination with a microscope will tell you when the trichomes have been dissolved away, and looks like wet hairs lying down, with the capitate heads missing. Our average yield at this point was around 17 to 18% by weight, but we’ve yielded up to 21.6% by dumping the column, repacking it, and making a second run.
This second run will be less heady, and of lower viscosity, with more sedative properties, so we keep it separate from the first.
Never that much if it's been winterized. No where close.Just do some googling on it.
The most informative site and info is
Their section on BHO extraction is from some time ago, before the onset of closed loop systems and the increased control.
You dont have to take my word for it.
You have it some what mixed my friend. You need to do some reading with regards to the decarbing process.Drying does not decarboxylate, heat and time do..
Yes THCA will lose its acid chain naturally over time.Decarboxylation occurs naturally with time and temperature, as a function of drying, but we can shorten the amount of time required considerably, by adding more heat.
Your most likely decarbing a large portion of the herb, you can use boiling water to decarb it but it takes longer(I would recommend not placing herb directly in water to decarb)
I believe your microwaving will decarb some THCA, how much is very hard to say. Many people report faster onset(stronger initial hit) but shorter lasting effects from smoking decarbed oil/bud.
I expect it to be all gone tomorrow at that price, maybe even before noon.Well I wanted the price be low enough to make it really affordable for anyone.