Extra large humidity dome

The Growery

Active Member
I made this today and am pretty happy with how it turned out. I needed a larger humidity dome since I often find that I have a mix of seeds, clones and other projects under the humidity dome and was running out of space. The solution was to create a dome big enough for everything and then some. To vent the dome I cut in 2 2.5" holes that could be opened/closed via a swivel closure.

any ideas to improve the design are welcomed!


The Growery

Active Member
Here's a pic of the dome setup in the clone room, I added a small PC fan to help circulate the air in the larger space. Note: I used silicone caulk, i don't suggest this as it doesnt seem to adhere very well to smooth surfaces, I recommend a adhesive that will chemically bond the plexiglass together instead of any kind of sealant/caulk


The Growery

Active Member
I tried bonding with acrylic caulk and it fell apart months ago. Since then I have switched to using two 50 site root riot cloning trays with dome. I think if stronger sealant caulk were used it would have stayed together. the problem was when lifting the dome it would flex and then break at the seams.