extending autos veg time


is there anyway to achieve this? my plants havent grown to their full potential, first grow used cheap soil cheap nutes and too too long to repot, wondered if there is anyway to extend the veg time as my 23day old plants are all about 2inch high
You cant control when autos switch but they will still keep growing during the flowering stage. one thing to keep in mind is that if your using a 400w light its likely to be costing you 35 quid or 55 dollars a month (delete as appropriate) so if your grow costs you 70 quid/110 dollars in electric alone you'll be needing to harvest a good ounce wet that'll leave you half ounce dry (if your lucky) to make the grow break even. Thats obviously not taking into account the price of seeds, soil, nutes.

If a half ounce of weed can be bought for 80 quid/125 dollars is it really worth the potential trouble with the police?

Its a tough call i hope things pan out for you, my grow has elements that im struggling to control that may result in 3 months work coming to nothing so i feel for your situation but i guess thats just how the cookie crumbles sometimes.


Well-Known Member
they are autos man, as far as i know they cant be controlled. but thats the point, they do their thing and their gone. if you want control buy some regular or feminized seeds and a cheap timer for under 10 bucks for your lights. 18 hours on and you can veg as long as you want and let them get as big as you want


doing it more for a hobby than financial benefits, bill isnt a problem as its split between aload of us, day 24 and the plants arent looking very developed !!