Extended darkness before flowering?


Hi all,
Let me first say how much valuable information this site has given me, its truley amazing. I'll get right down to buisness. I have 3 plants about 5 weeks into veg under approx. 200w total of 6500k cfls. I am going away for buisness for seven days and have struggled to figure out how I am going to deal with keepin them alive while I am away. My question to you is, I understand that it is beneficial to leave the plants in darkness for up to 36 hrs before switching the lights to 12-12. So, would it be permissible to give the plants a solid watering and leave them with the lights off with the fans on in their box for a week while I am gone? My main reason for this is that I do not want to risk a fire by leaving my lights on a timer while I am gone even though they are CFLs. Would this week of darkness before coming back to start 12-12 pretty much gaurantee herms? Has anyone done this/ left their crop in the dark for a week before flowering?


bump... I know im new, but I haven' t found much information on this subject. there are a million "does my comp. box look alright" threads, but noone can share some knowledge on this?


Not at it matters at tthis point but i was thinking about doing the same thing , how did the week of darkness turn out?